Tennessee Terrace - Neyland Stadium upgrade (merged)

better have some safety precautions built in to prevent jumpers.
On the heals of the UCLA debacle, it is incredibly bad timing for me to open a letter tonight informing me that I have to make a substantial financial commitment to keep my seats on the upper west side for 2010 and beyond.

Not sure what to think about this.
On the heals of the UCLA debacle, it is incredibly bad timing for me to open a letter tonight informing me that I have to make a substantial financial commitment to keep my seats on the upper west side for 2010 and beyond.

Not sure what to think about this.

On the heals of the UCLA debacle, it is incredibly bad timing for me to open a letter tonight informing me that I have to make a substantial financial commitment to keep my seats on the upper west side for 2010 and beyond.

Not sure what to think about this.
Reaping the fruits of your support for Fulmer. Don't worry. If he's still the coach come '10, you'll be able to get tickets with a fillup at Pilot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Reaping the fruits of your support for Fulmer. Don't worry. If he's still the coach come '10, you'll be able to get tickets with a fillup at Pilot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile


So Fulmer has Haslam in his back pocket I'm guessing. :banghead2:
On the heals of the UCLA debacle, it is incredibly bad timing for me to open a letter tonight informing me that I have to make a substantial financial commitment to keep my seats on the upper west side for 2010 and beyond.

Not sure what to think about this.

Write a letter back saying that until the product on the field is worth the price, you will be spending your money on less frustrating activities. Won't make a bit of difference, but you can call it therapy.
Reaping the fruits of your support for Fulmer. Don't worry. If he's still the coach come '10, you'll be able to get tickets with a fillup at Pilot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I was actually about to say you can pickup both Lotto and Football tickets in the same spot.
Reaping the fruits of your support for Fulmer. Don't worry. If he's still the coach come '10, you'll be able to get tickets with a fillup at Pilot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So you're saying no one is going to pony up for the Tennessee Terrace?
Write a letter back saying that until the product on the field is worth the price, you will be spending your money on less frustrating activities. Won't make a bit of difference, but you can call it therapy.

Like paying to try to herd cats?
If we tank this year.....and the administration STILL keeps CPF, I will find it VERY hard to continue supporting them with my money. I can handle losing to a more talented team.....but to be out coached consistently for what seems like a decade now, with no repercussions for the Coach is pretty sickening.
hmmm, i didn't get one this week.

maybe it is being timed to come after the wyoming game?
So you're saying no one is going to pony up for the Tennessee Terrace?
I'm not going to "pony up" for anything else that remotely can be construed as support for Fulamanure. If he's still the coach next year, I'll use my VASF donation to buy a couple of Canalis and a plane ticket to Vegas for whichever of the hoops tournaments at the Orleans has the best field.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Reaping the fruits of your support for Fulmer. Don't worry. If he's still the coach come '10, you'll be able to get tickets with a fillup at Pilot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I will support the team including the coaches until they give me a reason not to. It's called being a fan.

We are nine months removed from playing in Atlanta for a conference championship, but the product in LA was reprehensible.
I will support the team including the coaches until they give me a reason not to. It's called being a fan.

We are nine months removed from playing in Atlanta for a conference championship, but the product in LA was reprehensible.

Are you going to donate money to Auburn and LSU for taking care of Florida for us?
Are you going to donate money to Auburn and LSU for taking care of Florida for us?

When was the last season a team in the SEC went undefeated and therefore didn't need another team to lose in order for them to go to the championship game? That argument is stale.
I will support the team including the coaches until they give me a reason not to. It's called being a fan.

We are nine months removed from playing in Atlanta for a conference championship, but the product in LA was reprehensible.
We are nine plus years removed from winning anything of consequence. That's all the reason I need. If a restaurant I love starts serving crappy food, I'll quit going til they get a new chef. It's called being an intelligent consumer.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
When was the last season a team in the SEC went undefeated and therefore didn't need another team to lose in order for them to go to the championship game? That argument is stale.

Just pointing out that Fulmer got an opportunity because of Florida failure. When it was time for him to hold up his end, he failed.
Just pointing out that Fulmer got an opportunity because of Florida failure. When it was time for him to hold up his end, he failed.

Thank you. Almost didn't make it because of poorly played games against Kentucky and South Carolina.
If the Volunteers don't post a 10 win season at least, I think a serious revolt is in order in light of the extension, pay raise and statement that 8 wins is good. Do we all have the guts to not renew?
you can get tickets without contributing to the vasf. not reserved, maybe not exactly where you want, but cheaper than making the donation and paying for the tickets. if you still want season tickets but dont want to be obligated to make a "significant contribution" then, there you go...
yeah....$3,000 per seat (and have to buy even numbered sets) is a bit much. The web says they are orange chair back seats.....so, is there where the old seats from TBA are going????

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