Tennessee vs The Maxims vs Austin Peay

OK, I'm ordering an English-to-English tranlation dictionary for the board.

24 (or 26) refers to STARTERS of which not all are capable of starting for an elite SEC program,

The rest refers to the reserves, virtually NONE of whom are capable of such at this time. The 2013 signees show promise, but Tennessee has had a history of good recruit classes dwindling to a handful of hangers-on in 2-3 years. My fervent hope is that Jones can correct this.

Gentle Jesus ...
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OK, I'm ordering an English-to-English tranlation dictionary for the board.

24 (or 26) refers to STARTERS of which not all are capable of starting for an elite SEC program,

The rest refers to the reserves, virtually NONE of whom are capable of such at this time. The 2013 signees show promise, but Tennessee has had a history of good recruit classes dwindling to a handful of hangers-on in 2-3 years. My fervent hope is that Jones can correct this.

Gentle Jesus ...

Very few SEC teams have all starters that could start anywhere in the conference.

No SEC school has all reserves that can start anywhere in the conference.

So, after a 40+ point first half, penalty-free romp to start the season, you're complaint is basically that we're not Bama or LSU.

OK. I gotcha now.
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Very few SEC teams have all starters that could start anywhere in the conference.

No SEC school has all reserves that can start anywhere in the conference.

So, after a 40+ point first half, penalty-free romp to start the season, you're complaint is basically that we're not Bama or LSU.

OK. I gotcha now.

This should be every Tennessee fan's complaint. They are currently the standard bearers of college football excellence and are at the place where we should be as one of the winningest programs in college football history.

And the woeful lack in talent, that OMG describes, is due most directly to the utter ineptitude of Volnation's late great hero, Derek Dooley. I tell you, it's just like old times around here when people who have the football watching experience and information processing skills (not particularly difficult skills to master) to make extrapolations about what a team has and is capable of are attacked by a sea of loyal idiots. To be satisfied with Tennesse football after a manhandling of lowly Austin Peay is either naivete or utter lack of standards to the nth degree.
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This should be every Tennessee fan's complaint. They are currently the standard bearers of college football excellence and are at the place where we should be as one of the winningest programs in college football history.

And the woeful lack in talent, that OMG describes, is due most directly to the utter ineptitude of Volnation's late great hero, Derek Dooley. I tell you, it's just like old times around here when people who have the football watching experience and information processing skills (not particularly difficult skills to master) to make extrapolations about what a team has and is capable of are attacked by a sea of loyal idiots. To be satisfied with Tennesse football after a manhandling of lowly Austin Peay is either naivete or utter lack of standards to the nth degree.

I never said we should be satisfied. I inferred that he was pointing out the obvious about a football team that has no control of the past 8-ish years, when we have a staff that didn't get us in this situation, so it's pretty much a wasted point.

I agree. We are not Bama or LSU. We knew that before the team ever suited up. Anyone expecting them to be has been in a coma for 8 years.

With that said: I saw a lot to be happy about from our team Saturday. I saw some great execution. I saw an overall understanding of new schemes on both offense and defense. I saw a team that had fire, heart and discipline. I saw a team that finished well, when I've seen UT teams in recent years that gave up on plays and games. In short, I saw a team that reflects the values our coaches value.

After the past several years and couple of coaches, there was a lot to be encouraged about. To complain about not being Bama or LSU at this point is like complaining about no strawberry drizzle on a cheesecake, after being on a bread and water diet for six years. You know what? You got a slice of cheesecake. Be thankful for that and cut out the sarcasm per only getting that.
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Orange Crush, you get a "like" for your previous post for hitting the nail squarely on the head.

OMG, I've expressed my fondness for your post many times in the past. Always the best read on this board Sundays after gameday, but to think we learned very little is...myopic. As far as talent, no we didn't learn much. We knew this team isn't contenders, but a few questions were answered. Worley looked competent as did the receivers. Granted he threw behind his receivers, but it wasn't imprecision. First game jitters and timing issues, but that can be fixed. The defense has SEC talent some seasoned some not, but it's there on the field.

Finally, the last two years we saw a team that would quit. WOULD QUIT. No pride whatsoever. I think/hope this team has a lot more pride.
I never said we should be satisfied. I inferred that he was pointing out the obvious about a football team that has no control of the past 8-ish years, when we have a staff that didn't get us in this situation, so it's pretty much a wasted point.

I agree. We are not Bama or LSU. We knew that before the team ever suited up. Anyone expecting them to be has been in a coma for 8 years.

With that said: I saw a lot to be happy about from our team Saturday. I saw some great execution. I saw an overall understanding of new schemes on both offense and defense. I saw a team that had fire, heart and discipline. I saw a team that finished well, when I've seen UT teams in recent years that gave up on plays and games. In short, I saw a team that reflects the values our coaches value.

After the past several years and couple of coaches, there was a lot to be encouraged about. To complain about not being Bama or LSU at this point is like complaining about no strawberry drizzle on a cheesecake, after being on a bread and water diet for six years. You know what? You got a slice of cheesecake. Be thankful for that and cut out the sarcasm per only getting that.
great post. I also think that Neal is going to be great this year with this line.
I've been with the Vols through seven head coaches and more than forty five seasons. Pardon me if I don't sing hosannas over Saturday's effort against the Governors.

Face it, they were SUPPOSED to beat Austin Peay by forty-plus points. The fact that they did so, I duly noted. Playing teams like that is a sucker's bet. As Jerry Kramer said, "If you win big you look like a bully. If you lose you look like a dummy."

The Guv's packed it in in the 2nd half and, at that, the UT second team, particularly on offense was less than impressive. There was an enormous dropoff between Worley and Peterman and an equal one in the line play. My point is that until that second team is able to play at very nearly the same level as the starters, Tennessee will not be competitive in the SEC.

I saw nothing Saturday that would cause Nick Saban or Steve Spurrier to skip their breakfast on gameday.

ok, let me first say that i always look forward to your maxim posts. but . . . . . do you really think that Jones wanted to run up the score in the second half? it looked to me as if they were simply running out the clock and getting the young guys some reps. did you see them do anything in the second half offense that looked like an real coaching attempt to score? i believe that CBJ made a calculated decision to run the time out as quickly as possible and not let our next opp know to much about our offense. obviously we could have executed better, but then so could have most of the other FBS teams that played last week. i see a team that took care of business and finished a game as quickly as possible. yes, there were mistakes made and yes they will be addressed. but i think we will know alot more on Sat.
ok, let me first say that i always look forward to your maxim posts. but . . . . . do you really think that Jones wanted to run up the score in the second half? it looked to me as if they were simply running out the clock and getting the young guys some reps. did you see them do anything in the second half offense that looked like an real coaching attempt to score? i believe that CBJ made a calculated decision to run the time out as quickly as possible and not let our next opp know to much about our offense. obviously we could have executed better, but then so could have most of the other FBS teams that played last week. i see a team that took care of business and finished a game as quickly as possible. yes, there were mistakes made and yes they will be addressed. but i think we will know alot more on Sat.

This maxim article had literally about two sentences that even vaguely referred to the maxims, besides actually listing the maxims as section headers. It was almost completely an exercise in sarcastic analysis of a well played UT game. If it was intended to actually be an article about the maxims it would have:

Mentioned a total lack of penalties and a single, garbage sack in reference to maxim one.

How about the fact that we scored on every offensive possession in the first half for maxim 2?

Mentioned the way our defense clamped down to make the single fumble a non-issue, in reference to maxim 3. (But we got a fingernail story.)

Mentioned the single sack allowed by scrubs, and the nice punting performance, and the fact that we never trailed in reference to maxim 4.

He would have actually showed some respect for the interception in Maxim 5, as opposed to describing it in such a derogatory manner.

Couldn't just give a "nice job Palardy" for maxim 6, eh?

Or maybe, for maxim 7... Wow, it would have been cruel and unusual to keep bringing that fight after the first half. This is one time I'm glad they laid off a maxim.

Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but... UT played a very good game, and did it with class enough to lay off when it was (quickly) out of reach. They deserved better than this thinly veiled upper cut. It's a shame.
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I never said we should be satisfied. I inferred that he was pointing out the obvious about a football team that has no control of the past 8-ish years, when we have a staff that didn't get us in this situation, so it's pretty much a wasted point.

I agree. We are not Bama or LSU. We knew that before the team ever suited up. Anyone expecting them to be has been in a coma for 8 years.

With that said: I saw a lot to be happy about from our team Saturday. I saw some great execution. I saw an overall understanding of new schemes on both offense and defense. I saw a team that had fire, heart and discipline. I saw a team that finished well, when I've seen UT teams in recent years that gave up on plays and games. In short, I saw a team that reflects the values our coaches value.

After the past several years and couple of coaches, there was a lot to be encouraged about. To complain about not being Bama or LSU at this point is like complaining about no strawberry drizzle on a cheesecake, after being on a bread and water diet for six years. You know what? You got a slice of cheesecake. Be thankful for that and cut out the sarcasm per only getting that.
Your post is even better than the OP. While he accurately stated we have a lack of depth (something CBJ even said) he is light on the positives as you so elegantly expressed. Good post ... The glass is half full and rising every day!
OK, I'm ordering an English-to-English tranlation dictionary for the board.

Gentle Jesus ...

Seems some of your readers were a might touchy this week. From one old Vol to another ... Thanks. Your weekly post-game commentary is a welcome respite from the usual. I enjoy it for what it is and look forward to it. :hi:
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Thanks, Poppa.

Hey, as long as they're readin' and writin' about what was stated it's all good.

Trust me, there's nothing worse than putting 2-3 hours into a column and seeing 100-200 hits a week later.

As Brad Paisley once said:
"But the more they run my name down the more my price goes up." - "Celebrity"

At this rate maybe I can get a raise to TWO daily bags of dried flies!

Note: I receive no compensation for these columns. All I get is some perverse satisfaction in the notion that folks actually bother to READ them!
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Thanks, Poppa.

Hey, as long as they're readin' and writin' about what was stated it's all good.

Trust me, there's nothing worse than putting 2-3 hours into a column and seeing 100-200 hits a week later.

As Brad Paisley once said:
"But the more they run my name down the more my price goes up." - "Celebrity"

At this rate maybe I can get a raise to TWO daily bags of dried flies!

Note: I receive no compensation for these columns. All I get is some perverse satisfaction in the notion that folks actually bother to READ them!

Classy way to take unsolicited criticism, OMG. Kudos. (And no disrespect was meant in mine. I enjoy agreement to disagree. Keep it up. :))
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Thanks, Poppa.

Hey, as long as they're readin' and writin' about what was stated it's all good.

Trust me, there's nothing worse than putting 2-3 hours into a column and seeing 100-200 hits a week later.

As Brad Paisley once said:
"But the more they run my name down the more my price goes up." - "Celebrity"

At this rate maybe I can get a raise to TWO daily bags of dried flies!

Note: I receive no compensation for these columns. All I get is some perverse satisfaction in the notion that folks actually bother to READ them!

OMG, you have some of the best and insightful views that you share to my hungover self on a Sunday morning. I enjoy reading your intros and then how you relate the Maxims. Maybe we just need to get Freak to give you a column, I know you don't want the attention, but you deserve it. Thanks for all that you give 12 Sundays a year! Hopefully you can start doing it 13 times a year!

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