Tennessee vs The Maxims vs Bowling Green

One of the best is a German documentary (with subtitles) that features interviews with Clarence, Gustav Schaefer, Jim Bates and Lt. Bartleborth (the TC of the Panther). Bartleborth was convinced to his dying day that Eagle 7 was actually a captured Panther that the Americans had got running and used to trick him into not shooting!

Thanks for the reference.......I think I found it on YOUTUBE......watched it, as I never saw that angle before. Definitely more detail on the woman killed. Thanks.

Your talents go well beyond the average historian sir. Thank you for the dedication you put into these. My grandfather(RIP) occasional told ancedotal stories about the war, but he never shared any stories about his experience in the war. You have a gift for putting the experiences faced by by men of Valor, into a relatable perspective of human frailty without grandiose bravado.

I love a good John Wayne ending when he lights a cigar and tells the pilgrims they can all sleep easy... But John Wayne spent his time during the war filming movies in exotic locations.

Thank you for another excellent contribution.
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