As far as the fumble being immediately recovered or not what determines what is immediate? I have seen this rule be applied inconsistently in the past with teams recovering the fumble later than what happened in this game.
I know I'm in the minority's here but I kind of understand and agree with Texas not getting the "fumble recovery."
The Texas player didn't pick up the ball on a heads up play, he picked it up slowly to hand it to the ref. Would be silly to award him for a fumble recovery for that.
Coaches should definitely teach players if there is any doubt whatsoever you dive on that ball, I don't care when/where the other player drops it.
And technically the Texas player fumbled it when he handed it to the ref. Clemson was awarded a TD when the South Carolina State kick returner tossed a live ball to the ref. They were both "here you take it...I don't want it" plays. Play the game until the whistle blows, the Clemson kid did.I get where you're coming from. But still. A Texas player picked it up before a ref picked it up. So even if the Texas player wasn't aware he was recovering a fumble, he technically did. So I think the role should change. But I do get your view point on it
Closet Longhorn