
Missouri is on the verge of completely affirming my hatred for their joke of a team.
I am enjoying the fact that there is a great chance I get to walk into class Tuesday and rub this in some folks faces. I got blasted when I said Missouri would lose to Okie St. and Texas.
What school do you go to?
I am enjoying the fact that there is a great chance I get to walk into class Tuesday and rub this in some folks faces. I got blasted when I said Missouri would lose to Okie St. and Texas.

That should be fun my friend, enjoy that..:hi:
Mizzou isn't that good, but Texas is still looking like they deserve that number 1 ranking.

I was high on McCoy during his Freshman year then backed off of him a bit last year. He's Heisman candidate, but it's crazy to say that he may only be the 3rd best qb in that league.
I was high on McCoy during his Freshman year then backed off of him a bit last year. He's Heisman candidate, but it's crazy to say that he may only be the 3rd best qb in that league.
Against decent or better competition, he has certainly proven to be as good, if not better, than Bradford.

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