I agree on some of the older fans, but they have the right to enjoy the game however they choose too. I sat in section U last night, which is made up of a lot of wealthy older folks. I believe this is the high dollar donor section, and some were even reading books and browsing on their phones or tablets. Very disappointing! I appreciate the money those folks contribute to our program, but it's a freaking football game, not a high dollar social club! The view from my seats were outstanding, but not the atmosphere there. I don't expect people to stand the whole game (but I'd gladly welcome it), but on big 3rd or 4th downs I wish EVERYBODY that's physically able to would get up and make some noise for the VOLS. That said, does anyone have any recommendations of sections to sit in that are rowdy and passionate about the game going on? Love to sit in a section (not the student section) that's very engaged in the game.