Thanks Seniors and Jerod Mayo.

:salute: All Seniors
:salute: Brent Schaeffer,you're a senior too and I have no bad blood towards you
:salute: Coach Cut,Brown,Roper,Troop and others who will move on to new jobs
:salute: Jerrod Mayo for being a true Tennessee great,Hopefully you'll be a Titan next season so I can cheer for you in the NFL
We'll hear more on this in upcoming weeks. But I think Mayo will go. If he stays, our D will be solid to quite solid next year.
I wish Mayo would stay but I doubt he will.

A big thanks goes out to the seniors
Erik Ainge splashed onto the scene his freshman year, then flopped, then came back to be more than adequate. He was always classy and I'm glad he was a Vol.

I don't see Jerod Mayo coming back. Hopefully he does, but if he's a 1st rounder, he should go. Thankfully he stayed healthy all year and with his past, I'd get my money right now if I were him.

Wish they could have won us a Championship, but going out on the right note is always good too.

Amen!! The crap u guys have had to take from us fans and the media,U guys deserve to go out on top,Good Luck!!

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