I’m not certain it’s the “haters” that are getting what they want rather than people just not getting on board with the schtick or it wearing off quickly. I was fairly indifferent to the guy, take him or leave him, before he hit ESPN then it just fell off the rails. The narcissism went full on supernova.
Don’t need a shock jock with gimmicks, just find someone that can be intelligent and entertaining with the picks without getting into the sewer with the hot takes, controversies, and manufacturing drama for likes, viewers, etc. The Washington State thing recently just really cemented my dislike for the guy. Why? There was no reason for that stupidity, in a long string of stupidity.
If a person wants that kind of stuff, then go to the internet or any of the countless wannabes that thrive on that stuff. I think people are just tired of the sports media being a sounding board for all types of nonsense from every side of the spectrum. Just stick to the sports with a reasonable balance and/or intelligent take. Can’t stand ESPN anymore because they are all over the map with that stuff and tend to stick with the narrative they are trying to sell.
(and before I get accused of being old - which I guess I am compared to anyone below 44 - my 18 year old son has a similar opinion “ugh he’s just noise” and that seems to be a common thought on the guy even amongst the younger crowd.)