That Pat McAfee really livens up Gameday

You can please some of the people some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. John Ludgate
McAfee is almost everything I dislike about modern sports media, rolled up into one person. The personification of the social media casual-chasing "I am the brand" mindset. College Gameday chased people like me off years and years ago, but people like McAfee make sure I never come back.
Sounds like he’s a better fit for Fox Sports.

I rarely turn on Gameday any more so I’ve gotten really small doses of him. Didn’t bother me. I mostly remember his anecdote about Manning while playing roulette during his first training camp with the Colts. He spins a good yarn.
And not a coherent argument, just an ad hominem attack. Not to mention ageist bigotry.
Lol "ageist bigotry"

IDC about your silly buzzwords. I'm not even really young myself but pat makes GameDay watchable.
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Love the guy. Love his energy, his humor, his knowledge of the game. The show has been complacent for years and he helps remove Corso, who’s been a shell of himself and 10 years past his time. Pat isn’t for everyone but he keeps me watching. New generation of fans coming through that ESPN is trying to incorporate plus keep away from the traditional ESPN/Disney employee.
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I will never understand the actual “hate” for Pat McAfee. I neither like nor dislike him. I don’t watch his talk show, but I do think he has at least brought a level of energy to the show that has been sorely lacking for nearly a decade. What used to be a snooze fest where Kirk and Rece just slobber on OSU and Alabama for 3 hours, has at least turned into a more entertaining product since Pat for the most part doesn’t wade into that favoritism.

But, the haters will get what they want. Looks like ESPN isn’t going to renew his contract. So, all the people that already don’t watch the show “because of Pat” will continue to not watch the show next year either except it will be a lot more boring this time.
I will never understand the actual “hate” for Pat McAfee. I neither like nor dislike him. I don’t watch his talk show, but I do think he has at least brought a level of energy to the show that has been sorely lacking for nearly a decade. What used to be a snooze fest where Kirk and Rece just slobber on OSU and Alabama for 3 hours, has at least turned into a more entertaining product since Pat for the most part doesn’t wade into that favoritism.

But, the haters will get what they want. Looks like ESPN isn’t going to renew his contract. So, all the people that already don’t watch the show “because of Pat” will continue to not watch the show next year either except it will be a lot more boring this time.

I’m not certain it’s the “haters” that are getting what they want rather than people just not getting on board with the schtick or it wearing off quickly. I was fairly indifferent to the guy, take him or leave him, before he hit ESPN then it just fell off the rails. The narcissism went full on supernova.

Don’t need a shock jock with gimmicks, just find someone that can be intelligent and entertaining with the picks without getting into the sewer with the hot takes, controversies, and manufacturing drama for likes, viewers, etc. The Washington State thing recently just really cemented my dislike for the guy. Why? There was no reason for that stupidity, in a long string of stupidity.

If a person wants that kind of stuff, then go to the internet or any of the countless wannabes that thrive on that stuff. I think people are just tired of the sports media being a sounding board for all types of nonsense from every side of the spectrum. Just stick to the sports with a reasonable balance and/or intelligent take. Can’t stand ESPN anymore because they are all over the map with that stuff and tend to stick with the narrative they are trying to sell.

(and before I get accused of being old - which I guess I am compared to anyone below 44 - my 18 year old son has a similar opinion “ugh he’s just noise” and that seems to be a common thought on the guy even amongst the younger crowd.)
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He's a blowhard. Blowhards draw attention, become popular for a while and then they just won't shut the f.u.or go away. With that, I do enjoy his commentary on gameday. And he really seems to love singing Rocky Top so that's cool.
McAfee "livens up" Gameday like a fire "livens up" a dumpster. He adds flash, sure, but no substance whatsoever.
I’m not certain it’s the “haters” that are getting what they want rather than people just not getting on board with the schtick or it wearing off quickly. I was fairly indifferent to the guy, take him or leave him, before he hit ESPN then it just fell off the rails. The narcissism went full on supernova.

Don’t need a shock jock with gimmicks, just find someone that can be intelligent and entertaining with the picks without getting into the sewer with the hot takes, controversies, and manufacturing drama for likes, viewers, etc. The Washington State thing recently just really cemented my dislike for the guy. Why? There was no reason for that stupidity, in a long string of stupidity.

If a person wants that kind of stuff, then go to the internet or any of the countless wannabes that thrive on that stuff. I think people are just tired of the sports media being a sounding board for all types of nonsense from every side of the spectrum. Just stick to the sports with a reasonable balance and/or intelligent take. Can’t stand ESPN anymore because they are all over the map with that stuff and tend to stick with the narrative they are trying to sell.

(and before I get accused of being old - which I guess I am compared to anyone below 44 - my 18 year old son has a similar opinion “ugh he’s just noise” and that seems to be a common thought on the guy even amongst the younger crowd.)
boomer is a state of mind these days.

I'd rather watch Pat than listen to their racial politics. Pat is at least amusing.
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I’m sorry, but it’s hard for me to take any man wearing a sleeveless shirt seriously.
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