This is a prime example of where we are with the national media. They were almost begging for this to be racial. As soon as I saw this I knew immediately it was the circle game. Not even a doubt. Triggered as hell.
Let’s just refer this to Joevol and be done with the debate......Joe.... since you’re the resident racist/white supremacist.... is this sign found in the black people hating chapter of your handbook?
It's only a "game" to the person playing it, nobody else is aware there is a game. So I'm in my house and my rules dictate I can knock the F out of him.
It's only a "game" to the person playing it, nobody else is aware there is a game. So I'm in my house and my rules dictate I can knock the F out of him.
Alright folks, I have done my part to fight racism today. I just taught some Mexicans how to play the circle game. On the positive: They may take the symbol back from all the white supremacist. On the down side: We aren't going to get much work done today.
What, you expect to have a conversation now? Looks like you're having a good time talking about me, so I'll let you continue to solidify you standing in the Romper Room community.