Now Apple and other high end luxury items are racist!
Luxe goods targeted by looters: Tips on how to avoid purchasing stolen items
There's your next entry level, pos, lazy, incompetent, and doesn't give a sh** employees.
A whole new generation of incapable, under prepared, pampered, spoiled, children with attitudes and entitlement ego's.
They want top dollar, and all the perks, too. Because, they actually think they are worth it LOL.
If we took all these new age kids, and put them on the farm for a month, how many will even make it through day one? Week? Yeah, quitters and big talkers who have no clue about real work ethic or ability to comprehend sacrifice.
Emotional idiots and excuse laden toddlers. Yes, that is the vast majority of this generation.
There's your next entry level, pos, lazy, incompetent, and doesn't give a sh** employees.
A whole new generation of incapable, under prepared, pampered, spoiled, children with attitudes and entitlement ego's.
They want top dollar, and all the perks, too. Because, they actually think they are worth it LOL.
If we took all these new age kids, and put them on the farm for a month, how many will even make it through day one? Week? Yeah, quitters and big talkers who have no clue about real work ethic or ability to comprehend sacrifice.
Emotional idiots and excuse laden toddlers. Yes, that is the vast majority of this generation.
My 15 year okd daughter started her first job last week at McDonald's. She got cussed out the first day because they were out of ice cream cones. I told her "welcome to life", and thankfully she's like me, and it didn't bother her. But I explained it was a goid lesson, people are gonna be ugly to you and hurt your feelings, just gotta get over it. Also, a good lesson to show her how not to act.Have to protect the pu$$ies we are raising somehow. Maybe we should just let them experience the world and get over themselves.
Literally everyone should be forced to work directly with the general public for at least 1 year. Whether that's retail, customer service, restaurant server.My 15 year okd daughter started her first job last week at McDonald's. She got cussed out the first day because they were out of ice cream cones. I told her "welcome to life", and thankfully she's like me, and it didn't bother her. But I explained it was a goid lesson, people are gonna be ugly to you and hurt your feelings, just gotta get over it. Also, a good lesson to show her how not to act.