That's racist!

Ah, nothing like wandering into a forum to find someone sniffing down at the riff raff to "be better" with that total certainty of a 22-yo Facebook employee that he's right and anyone who disagrees is not just wrong, but morally wrong. How did I live 60+ respectful-of-everyone-who-earns-respect years without the guidance of these guardians of acceptable social behavior to keep me on the straight and narrow? So glad I dropped in.
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
I see African Americans call each other the “N” word all the time. Seems ok for them to do it. Never have thought “ thug” was only talking about one specific race
“Punks” will be next. Some people just want to see racism where it doesn’t exist. Syrup bottles and pancake mix can be offensive to these same virtue signaling wokesters.

If a player takes a cheap shot attempting to take out somebody’s knee I can’t think of a better word to describe them than as a thug. Georgia had one on their offensive line several years ago that tore up a TN player’s knee.
No more Aunt Jemimah pancake syrup, which I grew up on. I would consider the Florida player that took out Fulky last year in the SEC tourney a “ thug” regardless of his race
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
U suffer from the same ailment that has us calling one of our Pro FB teams "The Washington Football Team". Put down the daisies and stop trying to create problems where they aint.
U suffer from the same ailment that has us calling one of our Pro FB teams "The Washington Football Team". Put down the daisies and stop trying to create problems where they aint.
Why does it matter what the Washington football team calls themselves then? If it’s not bad to call them the redskins, then why is is bad to call then the football team? They can brand themselves however they want, right?
Please don't call these kids thugs. Think of a better word to use. Come on man

First let me say I agree with you on one level, That is the way they they act.
BUT - -
They are not kids, they are impressionable young men and the impression they get from their head coach is thuggery.
This being said and being harsh, for the most part these guys show weak character leading to them being impressionable youngsters.
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
Funny you say that. I see people
Call others “Karen” as well which is defined or interpreted as a white woman who complains. But it gets used all the time.
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First let me say I agree with you on one level, That is the way they they act.
BUT - -
They are not kids, they are impressionable young men and the impression they get from their head coach is thuggery.
This being said and being harsh, for the most part these guys show weak character leading to them being impressionable youngsters.

Good post - respect.
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
Woke as can be bro!
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Bill Laimbeer was a thug. Kurt Rambis was a thug. Kevin McHale was sometimes a thug. The 1970s Twin Towers at KY were thugs. Members of the Mafia are thugs. Union goons are thugs.

My last response to this comment but that was my earlier point. The word is a strong characterization of any person of any race, gender, ethnicity , etc.
And I’m sure the poster meant it as on the court behavior, too, as we don’t know the life of these young men outside of the hardwood.

I saw the highlight where ex-Duke player, Grayson Allen, made a dirty, unnecessary play against a Bucks’ player. Allen did the same thing at Duke. And I would say that was thuggish behavior.
Wrong by who's standard?
Take this to the politics forum if you want to have an open minded discussion. But the problem have to be open minded.

It is not wrong period. Is Grayson Allen a thug? Please answer
Open minded? You haven’t been in the PF much have you? It’s fun but pretty much no one in there is open minded.
My last response to this comment but that was my earlier point. The word is a strong characterization of any person of any race, gender, ethnicity , etc.
And I’m sure the poster meant it as on the court behavior, too, as we don’t know the life of these young men outside of the hardwood.

I saw the highlight where ex-Duke player, Grayson Allen, made a dirty, unnecessary play against a Bucks’ player. Allen did the same thing at Duke. And I would say that was thuggish behavior.
just like what happened to Fulky when he took an elbow to the face,and now is playing for Illnois and did it again
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Calling them thugs isn’t offensive to me. I don’t think it is the right term tho for a player that plays dirty. Dirty players and coaches are just dirty. Usually lack talent so they use different strategies. But there are a ton of thugs in college sports. Don’t think just because they are college students they are educated respectful young men. There are plenty of thugs in college sports. It shouldn’t be offensive it’s just the truth. Thug relates to the streets imo and not college sports but there are plenty of thuggish things in sports now days. Playing physical and a little dirty isn’t thuggish at all tho. Throwing up a gang sign after a good play is thuggish. But hey some teams like that and recruit that. 2022
Etymology and Connotative meanings evolve. Moron, idiot, dunce and retarded we’re all originally scientific terms that referred to impaired or delayed intellect. Over time, they moved into common use, and obtained derogatory connotations. Those words were then retired as scientific terms, and also put on the shelf as acceptable ways for a decent human to refer to someone with impaired intelligence. That didn’t happen recently. Those terms were phased out over a century, and not without many people innocently using them incorrectly along the way, and many using them cruelly. Frankly the point is not someone’s intention, as it’s very often hard to discern. The point is that humans should be open to accepting the changes in language over time. Thug is currently perceived as coded language used by white society in place of worse terms. While not every user of the word means it that way, everyone should be open to changing behavior that has developed into something commonly perceived as a slight. Find a different word.
“Punks” will be next. Some people just want to see racism where it doesn’t exist. Syrup bottles and pancake mix can be offensive to these same virtue signaling wokesters.

If a player takes a cheap shot attempting to take out somebody’s knee I can’t think of a better word to describe them than as a thug. Georgia had one on their offensive line several years ago that tore up a TN player’s knee.
It has already happened, a "punk" is considered a homosexual (only males) in jail and prison. Btw, no, I haven't been to prison
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.

These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. I question the veracity of this comment when describing the LSU BB team.

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