Zimbabwe passed a law to seize the land mostly owned by white farmers without compensation in 2000, just like what South Africa did here. The problems was that the land was given back to people who didn't know how to run farms. (They were also reports that people in power helped themselves with a lot of land before distributing them.) Either way, new owners had no experience, capital, or commercial knowledge to keep the farms running, let alone profitable. This caused Zimbabwe's agriculture and economy to collapse and inflation soared. Zimbabwe now has to rely on foreign aid to get by. Remember those 1 trillion dollar Zimbabwe bank notes that made the world news? Just go on Ebay and you can be a trillionaire too with a few US dollars. Zimbabwe recently said they would give the land back to their original owners as the compensation for seizure. It was basically a silly way of saying we now give you your land back but we did nothing wrong to seize it at the first place.