The 3rd Saturday in October is the greatest Tradition at Tennessee

If Bama had to endure what Tennessee has had to, you'd be SOL too...

They actually did not too long ago... several losing coaches and bad teams prior to Saban. They'll get their come uppance again before long, just as we'll be back on top challenging for SEC and national championships ...
Yes, he did. He had an impressive record in general, as more and more people are comprehending with each passing year

if he had of stayed as the HC of the mighty Vols,i think he should have surpassed the General in wins by now,i think he was what, like 30 or so short ? and yes,he was a lot better coach than people give him credit for,just as a bunch would have liked to have Chief still around
A rarely cited fact is that Doug Dickey also had a winning record against Bryant: 3-2-1, including a 3-game winning streak (1967-69).

As UT's coach that is correct. However, he was 0-5 against Bama as the HC of UF. So his record against Bama as a HC is 3-7-1.
Yeah 95 to 01 was just horrible for us. Oh and 2003, 2004 and 2006 where pretty bad for us too! 2009 a blocked kick and yall won by 2 points at Tuscaloosa. Neyland owned Bryant. Gosh I wish we could beat you guys just once!

What does UK have to do with any of this?
As UT's coach that is correct. However, he was 0-5 against Bama as the HC of UF. So his record against Bama as a HC is 3-7-1.

Yes, but do we, as Tennessee fans, care what Dickey did at Florida? He rebuilt our program and guided Florida to mediocrity; that sounds like a win-win to me.
The history of this game will not allow it to be competitive. Its the way the football gods do it. One team gets on a streak and then loses a game they shouldn't and the streak switches sides. Its a pain but that's how it works.
Yes, but do we, as Tennessee fans, care what Dickey did at Florida? He rebuilt our program and guided Florida to mediocrity; that sounds like a win-win to me.

I get your point, and I agree.

But there are a ton of posters on here that love to bring up Bear Bryant's record against UT (Neyland) when he was coaching UK . If UT fans care that much about Bryant's record while at UK, I figured they may care about Dickey's record while at UF.
Boca Vol, that suggests an interesting trivia question: What head coach has lost the most times to Tennessee? I don’t recall the answer but I believe that it is some journeyman coach who bounced around at several lower-tier SEC schools. In any event, the Bear is almost certainly second in this category. Consider the following data in terms of head-to-head competition with Tennessee at his various coaching jobs:

Maryland (1945): 0-0-0
Kentucky (1946-1953): 1-5-2 (but 0-5-2 vs. Neyland)
Texas A & M (1954-1957): 0-1
Alabama (1958-1982): 16-7-2

Total: 17-13-2. As great as Bryant was, he lost to Tennessee an astounding thirteen times. That could explain, in part, why he placed such importance on the rivalry. Both Neyland and Bryant considered the Third Saturday in October the annual measuring stick for their respective teams.
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