i hate people traffic. Road traffic is annoying, but people traffic is absolutely worse. When you're trying to walk in a mall, or the grocery store, and a group of people, all talking and laughing while using up the entire width of the aisle, meandering along like they have all the time in the world, i want to shoot them. I want to get in, get what i want, and go home. I don't wanna hear you and your family having a good time at my expense. I have better ways to use my time. Go somewhere else and get the hell out of my way. And when you stop right in the damn middle of everything and act like you're oblivious to the inconvenience you're causing, i want to go all hulk on your ass and smash you. Even you little old granny-looking woman. Move to the damn side or go sit in a restaurant. Just get the hell out of my way.