FDR was the closest we've had to an emperor like Augustus(for analogy sake, I'm not trying to be too literal.....). I'll leave my opinion of FDR's domestic policies aside and just say he parlayed our Republic's global position pre-WW2 to post-WW2 to the best possible outcome. Due primarily to Lend-Lease, our Dollar surpassed the British pound as the dominant global currency. We secured our borders (global spheres of influence anyway) with imperialistic military expansion.
FDR died before we lost a Legion across the Rhine, but JFK sent them over (Vietnam) in his stead.
Thus began the era of Bread & Circuses.
Education standards declined while the masses ate bread and increased their ignorance with a deluge of constantly morphing Circuses ranging from hollywood cinema, cable & MTV, to Tiktok & twatter.....
Our borders & spheres of influence have since been encroached. Our bureaucracy has become incompetent, created a famine(recession), and can no longer provide bread to the masses.
Orangeman (Commodus) appeals to the masses while playing in the kayfab gladiator Circus with no ability to advance or restore the republic. Just like the idiot Commodus, Orangeman doesn't realize the corrupt Senate(and modern Congress) will capitulate truce behind close doors to eliminate his corrupt threat to their corruption.