Color me surprised you didn't include guys like Pete Carroll, or Jim Tressell, or any of the Miami coaches of the early 2000s. The difference between these guys and Saban, Meyer, and Harbaugh is latter haven't been caught yet.
Every time....every-single-time....teams get dominant or go on a dynasty run, it turns out after the fact that they were caught cheating. Like I said before it is the height of denial to think otherwise. And I get it, you want to believe that Saban really is that good, and no doubt he is a great coach. But if we are all playing by the same set of rules, this run doesn't happen. It simply doesn't.
If Saban really is this good playing by the same rules everyone else is, then he has truly transcended the game. He's done more than Meyer or Harbaugh so far. He is probably going to shatter the Bear's record. It is what it is. Call this a meltdown, whining, conspiracy theory, or whatever you want. But historically, this run on recruiting and NCs Saban has is a statistical anomaly.
Excuse most reasonable non-Bama fans for being a little skeptical of all this, especially given Bama's history with the NCAA and Saban's connections at the NCAA and SEC front offices.