Yes, I assumed you were angry when you decided to be the voice of either yourself (who was angry, but you will not admit (previously asked and answered)) or the voice of some imaginary group of angry persons. Next time, when presented with only two viable options (there were many other preferable options), I will choose that you stand to represent imaginary persons who have been angered (makes sense since you worship an imaginary person).
You made the assumption (I expressed an opinion... thought we had that one covered) that I was posting to anger persons; I was not until just now, in the statement I made about your imaginary deity.
Feel free to call me arrogant simply because I do not buy into your the belief that your fairy tale is real. (I did not call you arrogant, but yes... it was inferred. However, it has nothing to do with whether or not you are a believer)
As for OJ telling me burn in hell, read his posts and make the "gnashing of teeth" analogy with the Bible. Yes, I am assuming, without actually asking him to clarify, that he is positing that I will burn in hell for not believing that Jesus is the Son of God (there are numerous interpretations of what the Biblical reference of "burning in hell" might mean. You are apparently a well read individual so I'm assuming you are aware of these); of course, I could decide not to assume that and simply assert, on his statements alone, that he sees I will suffer torment for not believing Jesus is divine and in not believing I have handed myself over to Satan, whom, among Christian believers, is the incarnation of pure evil.
But, of course, that is trying to (*two - sorry... temptation got the best of me) hard to prove my intelligence. I should just put reasoning aside and buy into a unsubstantiated and uncorroborated myth about the most fantastical things simply because it has been passed down through human testimony for two-thousand years.