The best thread ever made on the Internet



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2004
I say this because in all shows how truely stupid all Alabama fans are....

I mean, I haven't stopped laughing for 5 minutes now

Given what we already suspected, what we are still learning, and the attitude of our SEC "brethren". I think it's time for Bama fans to discuss SERIOUSLY the possibility of leaving the conference. I think it is no longer a benefit to us or the SEC for us to be here. They've gotten all they needed from us (legitimizing southern football in the twenties, reinforcing it in the 30's, carrying a weak conference on our back in the 70's) and now that the league is in good shape they want to get rid of the memory that we built the joint.

Which team is it going to bother you if we don't play them? The Barn? OK that's one OOC game for our new schedule. I couldn't care less myself if we never played any of them again in anything. There are few fans in the SEC who wish us anything but ill.

An ACC South division of Alabama, FSU, Miami, GT, Clemson, and Wake Forest sounds pretty d*#m good to me right now. Let the SEC scramble around to find someone to take our place to keep their championship game. They can get USM or Memphis.

I am serious about this. I know we've kicked it around before when we were p.o.'d, but I think it's time for Bama fans to get organized and start putting pressure on Portera, Witt, the BOT, etc.

Timtide - I have been preaching this for the past couple years .

The SEC is going down hill - We have posters that suggest that Old piss and MSU move to conference USA. I would like to see Tennessee in the Big Ten but knowing them they will hightail it to the Big East where they can dominate. Of course it may not help their recruiting.

Bama Should go to the ACC along with FloridA, lsu, georgia, usc. They could play the aubies as a non-conference game
every year at BDS.
Sorry SEC fans, but if Alabama leaves the SEC for the ACC it tips the scales toward the ACC being the better conference. A line up of Alabama, Florida State, Miami, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Boston College, etc. is just better than the current SEC minus Alabama.
Welcome to my world! :p

One thing that kills me about that first post is that the author is suggesting that Bama's dominance occurred when the league was weak. But wait, I thought Bama was so dominant. Apparently, they won SEC championships on the backs of inferior competition. :question:

Give me an "M", an "O", an "R", another "O", an "N" and an "S".

What's it spell? Bammerfans

There is thread on AUNation site by DKW (pdf) I think Tuscaloosa times maybe naming players that"can't play a goddang lick" ooo Bammers I just thunk they had probs?!?!!!!WWEEEE Ain't life grand :Dok back again "Orr admits Croyle to FSU" is it.
What's amazing to me is even insinuating the SEC would consider a fold/merge. I don't think so. The SEC's biggest problem is that we keep beating each other up. Most of us anyway, lol
If Bama left the SEC, we wouldn't get to watch Fulmer dominate them every year.....and that my friends would be no fun at all...
the SEC is the most powerful conference in NCAA football. jr. shula is in only his 3rd year. he knows we beat alabama 7 years in a row. if he wants to leave..., fine, but i think he likes the competition. i think he will stay.
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 26, 2005 7:54 PM
I mean....can we stop them from reproducing..please?

the toothbrush was invented in alabama..., because if it were invented somewhere else, it would be called a teethbrush!!!
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 26, 2005 7:54 PM
I mean....can we stop them from reproducing..please?

how can you tell if a alabama boy is married???..., he has tobacco stains on BOTH sides of his pick-up!!!
Originally posted by U-T@Jun 26, 2005 7:54 PM
I mean....can we stop them from reproducing..please?

alabama changed legal drinking age to 35..., they are "trying" to keep it out of the schools!!!
Originally posted by volinbham@Jun 26, 2005 7:01 PM
One thing that kills me about that first post is that the author is suggesting that Bama's dominance occurred when the league was weak.  But wait, I thought Bama was so dominant.  Apparently, they won SEC championships on the backs of inferior competition.   :question:

That is pretty funny. Kind of sad that they've gotten so negative that now they are even denegrating their own past success and don't even realize it.

P.S. to all Bammers - You are on probation. The ACC wants a team that's under NCAA sanctions about like they want a league wide outbreak of herpes.
That is very interesting. Heck I just don't know why they would want to leave this conference, they are acting like they are actually good enough to leave this conference. They need the sec, the sec doesn't need them.
Here's a phrase I don't use often . . . In defense of Alabama - I think the vast majority would think this guy was an idiot.
Yeah I am sure not all of them think this way. I mean I have ran into stupid fans from every team. I mean we did have donsarge here before.
The SEC is going Down hill? Thats when i had to stop and wonder....WTF?

Maybe Bamma's going down hill, but not the SEC
Bamma, can play their bowl game early rather bring'n the fight late in the season like Vandy and KY....What makes them a better school than either? Football not included....Most of us Vol fans have a ton more respect for the will, Vandy and Ky bring us yr in yr out.

Go Join the Mac, Wac, Pac, Tuscaloosa regionals, we dont care...Allience truck driving college conference needs a team to respect . print/post that!
Sorry SEC fans, but if Alabama leaves the SEC for the ACC it tips the scales toward the ACC being the better conference. A line up of Alabama, Florida State, Miami, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, Clemson, Boston College, etc. is just better than the current SEC minus Alabama.

Do they really think they are that good!!!!!!??????? Scary!!!!!!
Apparently Croom is the best coach in the SEC too, their school is the best in the country, and everyone is jealous

Everything circulates around alabama

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