The black hole of history.

So I start a thread on history and a half dozen of
you want to discuss a movie.

No wonder you are so ignorant of history.

Here's one that isn't Geller's;


Sorry, but I don't think there are too many people willing to have a civil discussion with you. You've kind of shown your ass for a while.

It's sad that you don't expect these reactions at this point.
Sorry, but I don't think there are too many people willing to have a civil discussion with you. You've kind of shown your ass for a while.

It's sad that you don't expect these reactions at this point.

Thanks for trying to discuss the topic, of which evidently you know nothing since you havn't even mentioned the topic in this whole thread.

If between the two of us, one is showing his ass, then it's plain to see that it isn't me who is.
but the real tragedy
here is that our schools don’t teach the history that is
the source the world’s greatest suffering caused by
Islamic jihad imperialism.

Lol what a flat-out lie.
Lol what a flat-out lie.

And just what part of your quoted statement isn't true?

So what did you learn about the history of the spread of islam?

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism
lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which
is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there
is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent
in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems
of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and
insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of
the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives
this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its
dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law
every woman must belong to some man as his absolute
property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine -
must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith
of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the
Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the
religion paralyses the social development of those who
follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the
world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a
militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread
throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at
every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered
in the strong arms of science, the science against which
it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe
might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.
~Sir Winston Churchill, The River War 1899

And some wonder why Obama removed the bust of
Churchill from the Oval office and returned it to the
British his first day in office. :crazy:
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In 1565 the Ottoman Turkish army besieging the forts on Malta desecrated the bodies of the knights who had fallen in defending Fort St. Elmo and threw the bodies into the harbor in an attempt to demoralize the Christians defending the other forts. The plan backfired badly. Jean de Valette, the Christian commander, had his men decapitate his Turkish prisoners and spent the evening firing the heads into the Turkish lines. The Christians now knew that there would be no negotiations. It was a fight to the end. The Turkish conscripts (many of whom were Serbians and others conquered by the Ottoman Caliphate), on the other hand now understood they would have to dig every last one of the Christians out of their forts one by one.

They understood there would be no slaves, the Christians would fight to the last. There would be no loot, the Christians would burn or destroy everything of value. Charging the Christian forts offered nothing but death. They charged the works in any case, and many died in the dry moats and at the base of the walls. However when a small group of Christian reinforcements arrived the Muslim army broke and ran.

The West will not be saved by leaders who beg for peace at all costs. If it is to be saved it will be by men like Jean de Valette, (a Christian monk) who put down their prayer books, put on their armor, stand in the breach and do what is necessary to save civilization.
In 1565 the Turks besieging the forts on Malta desecrated the bodies of the knights who had fallen in defending Fort St. Elmo and threw the bodies into the harbor in an attempt to demoralize the Christians defending the other forts. The plan backfired badly. Jean de Valette, the Christian commander, had his men decapitate his Turkish prisoners and spent the evening firing the heads into the Turkish lines. The Christians now knew that there would be no negotiations. It was a fight to the end. The Turkish conscripts on the other hand now understood they would have to dig every last one of the Christians out of their forts one by one.

They understood there would be no slaves, the Christians would fight to the last. There would be no loot, the Christians would burn or destroy everything of value. Charging the Christian forts offered nothing but death. They charged the works in any case, and many died in the dry moats and at the base of the walls. However when a small group of Christian reinforcements arrived the Muslim army broke and ran.

The West will not be saved by leaders who beg for peace at all costs. If it is to be saved it will be by men like Jean de Valette, (a Christian monk) who put down their prayer books, put on their armor, stand in the breach and do what is necessary to save civilization.

Building mosques for moslems will not change their attitude toward us, it will only make them laugh at our ignorance and weaknesses.
In 1565 the Ottoman Turkish army besieging the forts on Malta desecrated the bodies of the knights who had fallen in defending Fort St. Elmo and threw the bodies into the harbor in an attempt to demoralize the Christians defending the other forts. The plan backfired badly. Jean de Valette, the Christian commander, had his men decapitate his Turkish prisoners and spent the evening firing the heads into the Turkish lines. The Christians now knew that there would be no negotiations. It was a fight to the end. The Turkish conscripts (many of whom were Serbians and others conquered by the Ottoman Caliphate), on the other hand now understood they would have to dig every last one of the Christians out of their forts one by one.

They understood there would be no slaves, the Christians would fight to the last. There would be no loot, the Christians would burn or destroy everything of value. Charging the Christian forts offered nothing but death. They charged the works in any case, and many died in the dry moats and at the base of the walls. However when a small group of Christian reinforcements arrived the Muslim army broke and ran.

The West will not be saved by leaders who beg for peace at all costs. If it is to be saved it will be by men like Jean de Valette, (a Christian monk) who put down their prayer books, put on their armor, stand in the breach and do what is necessary to save civilization.
In 1565 the Turks besieging the forts on Malta desecrated the bodies of the knights who had fallen in defending Fort St. Elmo and threw the bodies into the harbor in an attempt to demoralize the Christians defending the other forts. The plan backfired badly. Jean de Valette, the Christian commander, had his men decapitate his Turkish prisoners and spent the evening firing the heads into the Turkish lines. The Christians now knew that there would be no negotiations. It was a fight to the end. The Turkish conscripts on the other hand now understood they would have to dig every last one of the Christians out of their forts one by one.

They understood there would be no slaves, the Christians would fight to the last. There would be no loot, the Christians would burn or destroy everything of value. Charging the Christian forts offered nothing but death. They charged the works in any case, and many died in the dry moats and at the base of the walls. However when a small group of Christian reinforcements arrived the Muslim army broke and ran.

The West will not be saved by leaders who beg for peace at all costs. If it is to be saved it will be by men like Jean de Valette, (a Christian monk) who put down their prayer books, put on their armor, stand in the breach and do what is necessary to save civilization.

Building mosques for moslems will not change their attitude toward us, it will only make them laugh at our ignorance and weaknesses.

Yeah, because Christians have never been known to murder heathens or non sir. Just shut up with your blatant close minded approach to religion, or should I say religion that is not what you believe in, because after all, if YOU don't believe it, it can't be true.
Yeah, because Christians have never been known to murder heathens or non sir. Just shut up with your blatant close minded approach to religion, or should I say religion that is not what you believe in, because after all, if YOU don't believe it, it can't be true.

At least Jesus never celebrated the wholesale slaughter of infants...wait, what is the Passover, again?
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At least Jesus never celebrated the wholesale slaughter of infants...wait, what is the Passover, again?

Come one TRUT, it is perfectly acceptable if your religious figures/leaders or your God does it. However, it is morally egregious for the same acts to be committed by members of another faith or in the name of false God. What is so hard to understand about that?
Come one TRUT, it is perfectly acceptable if your religious figures/leaders or your God does it. However, it is morally egregious for the same acts to be committed by members of another faith or in the name of false God. What is so hard to understand about that?

Building mosques for moslems will not change their attitude toward us, it will only make them laugh at our ignorance and weaknesses.

I'm no "moslem," but I'm laughing pretty hard at your ignorance and weakness after reading that precious anecdote.

You're a very sad man.
Yeah, because Christians have never been known to murder heathens or non sir. Just shut up with your blatant close minded approach to religion, or should I say religion that is not what you believe in, because after all, if YOU don't believe it, it can't be true.

Islam is not just a religion, it is a political/economic/legal system as well.

I don't understand how that totally escapes people such as you.

At least Jesus never celebrated the wholesale slaughter of infants...wait, what is the Passover, again?

It wasn't wholesale, it was only the firstborn and the victims had several opportunities to repent beforehand.

It is a celebration of freedom from slavery and a celebration of the gift of salvation to all mankind through the blood of the Lamb.

I'm no "moslem," but I'm laughing pretty hard at your ignorance and weakness after reading that precious anecdote.

You're a very sad man.

What was ignorant about the post?

And I'm a reasonably happy man, you may be projecting.


If they're that much diabolically smarter than us - we deserve our fate.

What do you mean 'we'?

So in your world the most wicked and deceptive should rule.

I've never encountered a philospophy like that before.

But on second thought, maybe that explains why we have the current administration, you must not be alone.
It wasn't wholesale, it was only the firstborn and the victims had several opportunities to repent beforehand.

Oh, in that case, I withdraw my point.

It is a celebration of freedom from slavery and a celebration of the gift of salvation to all mankind through the blood of the Lamb.

Freedom from slavery through indiscriminate slaughter. On top of that, Jesus's daddy hardened Pharoah's heart multiple times resulting in Pharoah changing his plans to free the Hebrews. It appears as though Jesus's dad pushed for the ultimatum and the slaughter; it also appears as though Jesus celebrates a feast in that honor.

But, as it will undoubtedly be pointed out to me, the New Testament does not, in any way, shape, or form, condone violence.
Oh, in that case, I withdraw my point.

Freedom from slavery through indiscriminate slaughter. On top of that, Jesus's daddy hardened Pharoah's heart multiple times resulting in Pharoah changing his plans to free the Hebrews. It appears as though Jesus's dad pushed for the ultimatum and the slaughter; it also appears as though Jesus celebrates a feast in that honor.

But, as it will undoubtedly be pointed out to me, the New Testament does not, in any way, shape, or form, condone violence.

I'll point out that that the Egyptians were treated far better by the Israelites than by the Arab moslems.

The Arab moslems slaughterd by their own hand multitudes of Egyptians from the ruling families down to the lowest of the peasants.

The Israelites didn't actually kill anyone, God sent an angel to do that task.

There was no indiscriminate slaughter by the Israelis, there was by the Arab moslems.

And the motivation was far different also, the children of Israel wanted to be free from slavery but the followers of islam invaded to conquer, rape, enslave, loot and plunder.

yes, gs. I advocate that evil rule.

Why on Earth would you want that?
You are right; this is the God that you worship; this is the act that his son celebrated.

Right, A God that not only has power to take life but to resurrect from the dead.

Would you worship a god that would leave his own chosen people to a destiny of living in slavery?

The Lord's supper was celebrated on Passover but what was being celebrated was the sacrifice of God's Son for all mankind, that anyone who should believe in Him could be saved.
Right, A God that not only has power to take life but to resurrect from the dead.

Would you worship a god that would leave his own chosen people to a destiny of living in slavery?

I would not worship a God that had a "chosen people".

The Lord's supper was celebrated on Passover but what was being celebrated was the sacrifice of God's Son for all mankind, that anyone who should believe in Him could be saved.

If Jesus wanted to distance himself from the brutality and savagery of the Old Testament God he could have had the Last Supper on another night and chosen not to celebrate the Passover, yes?
I would not worship a God that had a "chosen people".

If Jesus wanted to distance himself from the brutality and savagery of the Old Testament God he could have had the Last Supper on another night and chosen not to celebrate the Passover, yes?

Regardless of how you may choose to judge Jehovah and Jesus you have not contributed one iota to attempt to diminish our ignorance of the the bloody, brutal history of islam.

Thanks for playing though.

FWIW, the timing of the sacrifice of Jesus has everything to do with passover, and not as a celebration of violence either.

In other words your best attempt at reason falls far short of understanding.
Regardless of how you may choose to judge Jehovah and Jesus you have not contributed one iota to attempt to diminish our ignorance of the the bloody, brutal history of islam.

I am at a loss for words.

Thanks for playing though.

FWIW, the timing of the sacrifice of Jesus has everything to do with passover, and not as a celebration of violence either.

Only because you choose to interpret it that way; yet, you do not allow the Muslims to interpret the Koran.

In other words your best attempt at reason falls far short of understanding.

You are the ignorant one.
I am at a loss for words.

That's unusual for you.

Only because you choose to interpret it that way; yet, you do not allow the Muslims to interpret the Koran.

Do not allow?

I couldn't or wouldn't want to prevent them from translating the Qur'an any way they want.

I would like to make aware those among us who are take a more naive or even ignorant view of islam, the different definitions of jihad, or interpretations of jihad, the pre Hajra vis a vis post Hajra writings.

Do you not think that most moslems immigrating to America now consider that to be Hajra?

Along with that the meanings of such terms as Da'wa, Taqqiya, Kitman and even Jihad itself.

The Indian people have suffered mightily having suffered the brunt of many centuries of islamic jihad, the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of Afghanistan and even present day India itself which is 10 to 12% muslim have all been converted to islam by the force of the sword, so to speak.

So when Barry was in India and speaking to some University students and one student asked him what he thought about 'jihad' people should be aware that Obama was using taqqiya and kitman when he answered; "Jihad can take many forms."

You are the ignorant one.

Say what?

I said nothing of ignorance, I said you didn't understand.

Having knowledge and digesting that knowledge and understanding it are two distinctly different things.

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