The Brand New Lower West Club at Neyland Stadium



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2005
Man these Pix look awesome. Go Danny!







Credit to VQ for the pix.
Mmm, those are some very nice looking facilities that I will probably never enjoy the use of.

It's certainly a vast step up from the rest of the stadium's interior, I'll give it that. A complete departure from the chainlink and, well, you know ... troughs. *cough*
How much are tickets in that area of stadium?
the article didn’t say.
The way I read it, they’re moving season ticket holders. So I assume that means a lot more money than those seats cost before relocating
If you have to ask, you can’t afford em.

Those seats are only for season ticket holders on a sale-by-the-school basis. Can always buy some on StubHub, etc. For UGA, you’re looking at about $1,500-1,700 per seat on there for the top rows of it (which I think are better views than row 1, but that’s not the pricing algorithm’s opinion I guess). The required annual donation is not fun and comes with a required 10 year commitment.
Those seats are only for season ticket holders on a sale-by-the-school basis. Can always buy some on StubHub, etc. For UGA, you’re looking at about $1,500-1,700 per seat on there for the top rows of it (which I think are better views than row 1, but that’s not the pricing algorithm’s opinion I guess). The required annual donation is not fun and comes with a required 10 year commitment.
so $150,000 commitment per seat? or did I read that wrong?
so $150,000 commitment per seat? or did I read that wrong?

Lol I believe so. That’s on me. If you’re asking annually, no. The $1,500-1,700 is what they’re going for on third-party sites for the UGA game. However, that’s not the “face value” paid by the season ticket holder for the ticket, technically. However, you’re required to pay a certain sum annually as a donation for the right to purchase the season tickets.

If you’re asking about a $150,000 commitment per seat over the ten year period, due to the required 10 year commitment, I’d say you’re ballparking it for just the required donations over that time, without including the 10 years’ cost of the tickets themselves or the parking passes.

The cost this year didn’t really increase from last year’s Lower West Club prices. They simply couldn’t finish the entire project in time for the 2022 season, so they presented a functional version for that season with the full project to complete by this year. The AD was very responsive to our comments and advice for things to improve, including implementing some between Ball State and Florida.

On the plus side, it’s my understanding the Lower West Club is the only section with a required 10 year commitment. So don’t let that deter anyone looking to buy season tickets next year!
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Lol I believe so. That’s on me. If you’re asking annually, no. The $1,500-1,700 is what they’re going for on third-party sites for the UGA game. However, that’s not the “face value” paid by the season ticket holder for the ticket, technically. However, you’re required to pay a certain sum annually as a donation for the right to purchase the season tickets.

If you’re asking about a $150,000 commitment per seat over the ten year period, due to the required 10 year commitment, I’d say you’re ballparking it for just the required donations over that time, without including the 10 years’ cost of the tickets themselves or the parking passes.

The cost this year didn’t really increase from last year’s Lower West Club prices. They simply couldn’t finish the entire project in time for the 2022 season, so they presented a functional version for that season with the full project to complete by this year. The AD was very responsive to our comments and advice for things to improve, including implementing some between Ball State and Florida.

On the plus side, it’s my understanding the Lower West Club is the only section with a required 10 year commitment. So don’t let that deter anyone looking to buy season tickets next year!

If you read the link I shared above it outlines costs for all premium sections in the stadium. No capital gift required for the Lower West Club. $4,600 per seat in that location for 2023.
If you read the link I shared above it outlines costs for all premium sections in the stadium. No capital gift required for the Lower West Club. $4,600 per seat in that location for 2023.

I did read the link and understand what it says. I have seats there and elsewhere in the stadium. I’ll trust my own experience and my bank transaction logs. I will say I am required to make a donation, in an amount I won’t disclose, every year to keep my LWC seats. Is it possible that they’re making me donate for the other seats? Not possible, based on the link’s information, if we take it as being full and final, in conjunction with where those seats are. So, am I being defrauded by UT or is it simply a more complex structure than presented in a snippet of information used for sales purposes? Is a house really the price of the sticker on it or are there more costs involved? I don’t like to assume the negative, especially about my own university, so I choose to believe it’s the latter.

It also didn’t reference the 10 year required commitment in the link, which evidences it might not be exactly comprehensive. Not something they advertise or really tell you until you’re so far in the process you can’t bring yourself to pull out of it at that point. Sometimes there’s more to a picture than presented. Something about a forest and trees. I truly am not the sharpest tool in the shed a moron, so I could always be wrong and just be getting robbed annually by the university, but I don’t believe so nor do I want to. I just know what I pay every year, as I’m an extremely budget-conscious person.

I do appreciate you and your passion for accuracy and clarity, as I share it myself. I recognize my last year’s and this year’s experience differ from what is in that link. My message is simply that those seats are significantly more costly than what they quote, both short term and long term.

Thanks for your input and again your passion. Go Big Orange!
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I had these and it’s 4600 per seat. That is all and I moved to something different and like it better because it’s at the 50 west side. My information is straight from the AD. If your paying more then you need to call and get a refund. Also, the food is not free.
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I had these and it’s 4600 per seat. That is all and I moved to something different and like it better because it’s at the 50 west side. My information is straight from the AD. If your paying more then you need to call and get a refund. Also, the food is not free.

Lol was shocked by the lack of free food too. Not even popcorn.

Also - as noted above, I agree I may be paying more than needed, however, I don't want a refund lol. I also get my information straight from the AD, as a season ticket holder lol. In looking into this further, the donation may be because I was in the East Club until 2022, which does require it. Apparently, I've been gratuitously donating the last two years. Will keep doing so going into the future, as there's an I Will Give My All sign on my desk for a reason: I mean it, even when I don't mean to mean it lol.

@VolCalls , you were right about no capital gift for LWC. Never too proud to admit when I'm wrong. Hopefully the extra money each year is going to something good. Going to earmark some more for Spyre Sport's Volunteer Club as a self-punishment for not realizing I was making gratuitous donations annually lol. Still interesting they never mention the 10 year commitment until you're signing the final paperwork on the LWC. @VOLfrombama please note that I was wrong, as noted above. Don't want anyone operating (like I was) off of wrong information.

Go Big Orange!
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If you have to ask, you can’t afford em.

That was such a kind response...not...some folks may be able to afford, but are better or more focused stewards of what has been entrusted to them. So don't paint all with a broad brush. Not an unusual question if someone has had season tickets at $2k per season. Then the new price is $4k so inquiring minds may want to know. So kinder, gentler is preferred. Go VOLS!

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