The Brand New Lower West Club at Neyland Stadium

That was such a kind response...not...some folks may be able to afford, but are better or more focused stewards of what has been entrusted to them. So don't paint all with a broad brush. Not an unusual question if someone has had season tickets at $2k per season. Then the new price is $4k so inquiring minds may want to know. So kinder, gentler is preferred. Go VOLS!
I realized after I said it that it may have come off as not kind, or even aholish, and for that I apologize as it was not my intention when I used that phrase I’ve heard before @vol94

For what it’s worth, I’m in the same camp as those that is the majority who can’t (and wouldn’t choose to even if I could) afford it. What I really meant was not meant to be personal in nature at all. I’m assuming it is an exorbitant amount of money that would be required for those seats, and if the 150k 10 year commitment that someone posted is accurate then I think what I said is probably somewhat accurate (crass as it may be).

thanks for keeping me in check. Not my intention to be an ahole poster.
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1. Folks gotta support the NIL collective.
2. School can't afford to have common folk attending no more.
I realized after I said it that it may have come off as not kind, or even aholish, and for that I apologize as it was not my intention when I used that phrase I’ve heard before @vol94

For what it’s worth, I’m in the same camp as those that is the majority who can’t (and wouldn’t choose to even if I could) afford it. What I really meant was not meant to be personal in nature at all. I’m assuming it is an exorbitant amount of money that would be required for those seats, and if the 150k 10 year commitment that someone posted is accurate then I think what I said is probably somewhat accurate (crass as it may be).

thanks for keeping me in check. Not my intention to be an ahole poster.

It was my post and it was unintentionally inaccurate. The 10 year cost in the LWC (which 10 year requirement is in the contract they make you sign and trust me, they MAKE you sign the 10 year part specifically or you don’t get the tickets), assuming no cost increase (which is unlikely) is $46,000 per seat. There’s no required donation for LWC.

It turns out I’ve been unknowingly making gratuitous and unnecessary donations since joining the LWC for its first iteration/season in 2022, based upon my previous seat location which did require them. I humbly and gratefully thank those who pointed out my mistakes. I also am realizing my phrasing in those posts might have been interpreted as aholish and I’m currently abhorred.

Go Big Orange!
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I realized after I said it that it may have come off as not kind, or even aholish, and for that I apologize as it was not my intention when I used that phrase I’ve heard before @vol94

For what it’s worth, I’m in the same camp as those that is the majority who can’t (and wouldn’t choose to even if I could) afford it. What I really meant was not meant to be personal in nature at all. I’m assuming it is an exorbitant amount of money that would be required for those seats, and if the 150k 10 year commitment that someone posted is accurate then I think what I said is probably somewhat accurate (crass as it may be).

thanks for keeping me in check. Not my intention to be an ahole poster.

Goes both keep me in check if appears I'm insensitive or wrong in my responses:rolleyes:
While it looks great I am not sure what the benefit really is. I know that section was pretty BLAH last year at the games that I attended. Seems like it takes forever to actually fill that area up.

I was at every home game last year....I dont remember seeing it ever completely full last year... even for the SEC games. It doesn't do anything to make the environment more hostile to the enemy.... so.... whoopty doo
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Evidently after paying that much for seats, some would prefer sitting inside. The Titans have the same issue for some of the club level seats which are located on the second level.
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