The brick metaphor...

With the renovation to the stadium being largely brick based - once a class is finalized and the kids sign in February - why not put each ones name on one of the bricks on the front of the stadium.

You could have the 2014 class together in one area and then their family and friends could see that they truly are a brick in the wall so to speak.

I think you do that after they have graduated from the university.
Regarding "Foundation Weekend": Every house, every building, starts with a solid foundation. Help us rebuild UT's foundation and lay a brick in the wall to rebuild our house. Protect it, defend it, live it!!!

Nothing better than Neyland Stadium on Saturday in the fall! GBO. Butch is the architect for the newest chapter in Vol history. BxB
Butch Jones is the mortar that must hold these bricks together. A brick house with no mortar doesn't do you much good.

Oh. That's not mortar...
Also I think its a good metaphor because the UT campus has so many brick buildings
I googled "Dooley brick" out of curiosity:

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To aggravate the ulcers of the uniform police, incorporating the outline of bricks into the present design would be a cool a few years recruits won't know or care how old the tradition of FOUNDATION WEEKEND is but it's a goodun...and here to stay...drops the mic
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Redo the end zones with the checkerboards being in the shape of bricks!
I think we can come up with something better than "Foundation Day." We gotta have something with "Vol" or "Smokey" in the title - UGA's "Dawg Nights" is a great moniker.

"Vol Venture"?
"Rocky Top Recruiting"?
"Vol Veekend"?

As you can see, the creative thing is not my gift...

It isn't random, it goes with the "brick-by-brick" montra.

You build bricks on the foundation, right?

Atleast that was what I got out of it.

Goes well with what he is selling to these kids, anyway. In the future he might change it.
If/when the team wins a SEC Championship or the NC all of the players from the team would have a brick with their name on it incorporated into the stadium.

That could build in the brick by brick theme and be part of solidifying a Foundation for winning.
With the renovation to the stadium being largely brick based - once a class is finalized and the kids sign in February - why not put each ones name on one of the bricks on the front of the stadium.

You could have the 2014 class together in one area and then their family and friends could see that they truly are a brick in the wall so to speak.

We need to get some foam brick hats made and wear them to games like a Packer cheesehead. Could be orange and say brick by brick. Would catch the attention of the TV folks
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We need to get some foam brick hats made and wear them to games like a Packer cheesehead. Could be orange and say brick by brick. Would catch the attention of the TV folks

Yes TV...But the fan participation aspect would be even greater....100,000 brick hats?....CRAZY!!! :loco:

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