The Butcher takes on Alabama

It's all good to talk the talk, a little trash talking never hurt anyone. If a person is going to do that though, they must be able to walk the walk too. Lately, UT hasn't been able to back anything up. If you aren't able to win and get positive results, then it becomes a problem. You then just look like a dumb, immature, foolish hater.

"They say I'm cocky, and I say aint bragging mother f'er if you back it up!"
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that's fine, but twitter sucks. Just beat them then talk about it after. Confidence is a good thing though and UT has lacked it for a long time.
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Youthful piss and vinager

The kid that Mckenzie whipped should have taken it like a man. What happened to the day when the kid gets a "good job" pat on the rear. Mackenzie will be whipping a lot of people. It's healthy banter and I'm glad the new generation has some kick ass passion! Go Vols!!!
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Andrew's point is well taken. You cannot win if you don't think you can. Butch has the monumental job of recruiting, recruiting, recruiting, coaching, coaching, and coaching, and then changing the mindset of the team on how to win. He has said as much. However, I don't believe I have heard him specifically say that the Vols need to overcome believing they cannot beat Alabama or anyone else. I do think that is the implication of saying the team needs to learn how to win. I want recruits to believe that each one of them is as good or better an athlete at his postion than anybody else and that, collectively, the team can beat anyone. Certainly it appears the Legacy Class in Team 118 and Dream Team 2015 recruits feel that way. The next step is to consistently win games and to build the long unbeaten strings against Alabama, Georgia, and Florida as the Vols have had in the past. In these cases, here's hoping to history repeating itself. And soon.
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I hope all of our players get this attitude and confidence(maybe not on twitter). It sure beats having to refer to Bama as "the red team" and going into a game with our tails tucked. Glad Butcher had the balls to light the fire.
In a year or 2......we will become the "orange team". Starts with attitude.
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F 2015, 2016 will be the year to end it. we will scare the crap out of all the espn hoes in 2016. can you imagine that roster? holy crap. I think Butch and the team is already getting into the rest of the sec's psych with the possibilities. The speed with which Butch is progressing this team is scary good.
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Merge if this has already been posted but I haven't seen it. Our young commits are making the front page of Yahoo. Can't wait to see them on the field!
Seems some of our future VFL's already understand the bitter rivalry between UT and Alabama. That is beautiful.

He is right....we will not be afraid of that school with the elephant for much longer...we will bring that rivalry back and it will mean something.

Yes I'm jabbering....but I love that our future VFL's are already fighting for each other and can't stand Alabama.
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The kid that Mckenzie whipped should have taken it like a man. What happened to the day when the kid gets a "good job" pat on the rear. Mackenzie will be whipping a lot of people. It's healthy banter and I'm glad the new generation has some kick ass passion! Go Vols!!!

I agree..Butcher Has balls like watermelons. Seedless
Hey butcher... Keep talking! I like this guy more every day! My favorite 15 recruit. And he can back it up. Dude is a stud.

I love the way he's talking. He's a winner. Winners get to do what they want.

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I love the way he's talking. He's a winner. Winners get to do what they want.


If you ain't first, you're Vandy!

you know....Vandy jokes just don't have the same punch to them as they used to.

Here we go.

If you ain't first, you're Dooley!
I love the attitude of our new recruits coming in..

Buck Fama

If you want to win... you need to expect to need to NEED to win. Its like Oxygen, if you dont have it you are going to fight for it with every once of strength you have because your life depends on it.

Winning is the same way... it should be just as important to our players as Oxygen.

When our whole team thinks this way, that is when we will have another NC.
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You are right on the money. When you get that kind of fight out of your players you are going to win a lot!:rock::

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