The Buzz

I agree with a lot of your points usually...on this one I think you're putting together a model airplane in a nonventilated room
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HAHAHA. I can smell the orange cement now! On a side note; I love Volnation. Between the boom gif's and the grammar police. I can't think of a better way to get through the offseason. Go Vols!!!!! :zeitung_lesen:
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Butch has certainly got me hyped up for the season. Would love to see a bowl game year one. I get the feeling we have the talent, and we had the talent all along - it's just that Dooley's "coach 'em up at halftime" system didn't work.
Lets not sell our selves short. Most everyone on this board, said in the past, we would get the recruits when we start winning.

We sucked last year and look how we're recruiting now.

If CBJ is a good coach you'll see it this year.. We might not win every game but we sure as hell better see a difference from dumb but.
We are 2 years at least to where we can play with the big boys week in week out, not saying we cant pull a rabbit out of the hat, so when we lose them first 2 or 3 games, nobody needs to jump of the ship going to be a rough ride for a couple of season. we are coming and in the year 2015 the BIG ORANGE will be kicking azz including gators and washing powder team of little nick, we just got to hang in there.

Dude. . .it's like you typed your first line, took a break, drank heavily, then came back to finish the rest!

(just giving you a hard time)
CBJ took over Cincy and went 4-8 his first year.
His sec. Year he turned Cincy around and went 10-3

I'm expecting similar results here.

This. If CBJ is the coach that many believe he is (including me), we should see a big change by year 2. I'll even go a little further. We should see evidence of the ship turning around this year.
3 Losing seasons in a row and it takes very little to create a Buzz in Knoxville.....the losing must end soon!
I just keep reminding myself that this wonderful legacy class won't even be on campus this year.

I just keep reminding myself that this wonderful legacy class will only be Freshman.

I just keep reminding myself that this wonderful legacy class hasn't gotten through their senior year yet.

I just keep reminding myself that this wonderful legacy class has yet to sign their Letters of Intent.

.......on the other hand I do allow myself to be an optimist that continues to see football through orange colored glasses.
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I wish you'd call it something else besides Buzz. Too much connotation to a certain bad basketball coach.
Did you think about the rationale of this statement before you hit "submit reply"?

Really? a little research, learn who the guy is, what his track record is and why you should pay attention to what he says. Then comment.

You don't have to agree with him, but you should pay attention and realize that his take on things carries a certain amount of weight...

Edit: I don't like what he has to say a lot of the time either... But it's more because I don't want it to be true rather it being inaccurate...
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Cool Story, Brah. Thought there was some important info being shared. Didn't realize it was just you shaking your pom-poms.:3cheers::3cheers::3cheers:

Not that there's anything wrong with that...just not threadworthy, IMHO. We're all hopeful and excited by the recruiting successes of late.

Cute coming from the one of the Biggest Pom Pomer's on the board that being you by the way...Do you ever read some of your posts.....evidently not...

Great Classes in the making for 14 and 15....Can't wait the train is moving and the bricks are getting laid...Hold our class together between now and NSD.....Probably a bump or two in stars and we land a Top 5 class.....
Really? a little research, learn who the guy is, what his track record is and why you should pay attention to what he says. Then comment.

You don't have to agree with him, but you should pay attention and realize that his take on things carries a certain amount of weight...

Edit: I don't like what he has to say a lot of the time either... But it's more because I don't want it to be true rather it being inaccurate...

I don't see how who the gentleman is or what he knows, to be relevant to the particular comment in question ( no disrespect meant at all and I will definitely do my research). If the rationale held merit, Saban wouldn't have done it so easily at two SEC schools, Myer would not have had success at UF so quickly...and so on. I did not question the integrity of the gentleman or the knowledge that he may possess. I merely questioned the one statement that does not appear on the surface to be accurate. Its my opinion that coaching, integrity, the ability to put a quality staff in place and an emphasis on gaining quality recruits, are the cornerstone of rebuilding or taking over a program in any conference at any level.
Simply put, we have been shown on several occasions,that the "that wont work in the SEC" mantra really doesn't apply when the criteria mentioned previously is met...Butch Jones, to this point has met most of this criteria. We will all have to see if it translates to the field in terms of wins and losses and i assure you that my expectations are realistic and disrespect to anyone. Merely questioning the one comment.
sincerely appreciate the heads up!

My expectations are realistic, hopes...not so much
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Sudden, where have you been boss??? I asked you once before, where do you fly fish in E. Tenn?

try the lower half of the telico river and can try the Hiwassee river also for a start. there many rivers further east but I havent fished them in so long i forget the names.
Cute coming from the one of the Biggest Pom Pomer's on the board that being you by the way...Do you ever read some of your posts.....evidently not...

Great Classes in the making for 14 and 15....Can't wait the train is moving and the bricks are getting laid...Hold our class together between now and NSD.....Probably a bump or two in stars and we land a Top 5 class.....
You need to check your hearing aid, old buzzard (acting like a teenager with a big-breasted 20yr old girl as your avatar...young enough to be your great-grand daughter). I never said it was wrong to be excited or pumped about the future prospects of this team. Just not worth starting a thread to simply shake one's pom-poms. We're all excited, but threads are generally for relaying some information.

BTW, have you checked your depends garments today?...evidently not.
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We can go nowhere but up. And then up again, and up again still. I watched the Vandy game from the 2nd quarter with a BAG over my head.
The feeling is great this year. The O and W game was electric. The recruits are coming in hot and fast. We WILL turn around. We WILL win seven to eight games this year (bowl included). We WILL contend next year. And we WILL rise to where our standard is, in accordance with the prophecy in Reggie II, Chapter 13 verse 5.
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Please don't use the word "buzz" around Vol fans, it brings up bad memories:


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