Fair. But even that’s hard to tell on a message board. Like last night, I was totally messing with you. I could see how much I was pissing you off so I trolled you a bit. This morning I posted how I really felt about the situation. He’s being a bit petty. I wish he would choose his battles with the legacy media. They deserve to be spanked regularly, but not for using “Gulf of Mexico”. Google, Apple, etc. bent the knee. Take your W and keep it moving.
I don’t know man. I like Trump. Maybe one day you will too.
For the record, I said last night that T-rump is being petty about the AP thing and it's a bad look. I'm on record, here and in real life, for about the last 8-9 years, that I don't particularly like the guy or his mannerisms, but I like his policies of taking care of America, etc...
I think what a lot of people are seeing looks like "defending Trump at all costs" is actually a couple of different things rolled into one:
1. We've watched the snowball of progressive lunacy enforced on us.
We just want the same right as you, but also we want to cut kids' genitals off.
We just want the same rights as you, but we also want to let dudes punch women in boxing rings and then give them medals for having done so.
Seeing female athletes forced onto an unfair playing field.
"We just want the same rights as you, except that we'll destroy you if you don't bake us a cake."
Hiring based on race/gender/etc is evil, but we also want to hire based on race, gender and sexual preference.
We just wanted to be treated with dignity and not defined by our race. Also, you'd better bow your knee and admit that you're by definition racist, just because you're white. As a matter of fact, we're putting these policies in at your employer so you can ruin your career if you don't just shut up and go along.
...Keep the list going here for brevity.
I don't think you're seeing idiots *MAGAing for Trump*. I think you're seeing people MAGAing against the left. HARD! You may think they are defending Trump. They may think they are defending Trump. But what they are really doing is cancelling the left. They are throwing off the old authoritarians and celebrating the symbol of what ended it.
That's why the Dems are losing and MAGA popularity is skyrocketing. Dems are losing blacks, women, hispanics... The left, just like they always do, took a couple of small victories that they should have won. But they couldn't just stop there. Every little victory was a rush of power that inevitably had them push too far and eventually getting so far into crazy and hate that eventually they lose everything.
Again, people aren't defending Trump at all costs. They are defending their perceived right to normalcy and self respect.
2.We watched the establishment weaponize every facet of the gov't against Trump. They have tried to jail him and even tried to kill him twice. We've watched the left prove that we don't really have a democracy for the people, by the people. We have power-crazed leaders that will use the government as a weapon to destroy lives.
I mean, we kind of always knew it, but the establishment became brazen about it. Even now that it's all being proven, they still show no remorse or self-appraisal.
So, firstly, Trump gets empathy. He gets respect for surviving it and coming back stronger. I think he also kind of becomes a reflection of each of us. "You know, they could do that to me. With no remorse. If I were significant enough for them to take notice of me."
Then he promises to end the craziness. Then the left bypasses the part where voters picked which candidate we get. One was just picked for us. Oh, and by the way, they committed elder abuse by standing up a senile senior citizen and using him like a meat puppet, while telling us he's sharp as a tack. Until... They just wanted to pick your candidate for you.
They stood an absolute incomprehensible idiot as that candidate.
And do you remember that MSM you bought and used as conspirators in the political coup you attempted? Well, turns out you used them to lie to us and try to change reality for us from "Unintelligible Idiot" into some weird she-Barack.
Y'all think people are defending Trump. They are condemning the left.
*Congratulations if you made it to this point. Thank you for your patience.