the da vinci code book is wonderful.(volsfan711 @ May 16 said:The movie comes out firday. I just got done reading the book a few days ago and I have to say its one of the best books i've read. I am reading the book that came before the DaVinci Code called Angels and Demons right now. Anyone else read it or is going to see the movie? is it and listened to the audio book as well....can't wait to see the movie...(volsfan711 @ May 16 said:The movie comes out firday. I just got done reading the book a few days ago and I have to say its one of the best books i've read. I am reading the book that came before the DaVinci Code called Angels and Demons right now. Anyone else read it or is going to see the movie?
(volsfan711 @ May 22 said:I loved the book, best boook i've ever read, the movie was total crap
Yep. For some reason, they never learn do they? They did the same thing about 15 years ago with a movie called The Last Temptation Of Christ. I went to see that movie just to see what all the fuss was about. I left mad at the protestors for making me waste my money :lol:(Orangewhiteblood @ May 22 said:I think it's comical that all people who are speaking out against the movie don't realize that they're giving out TONS of free advertising for the movie.
(orange+white=heaven @ May 22 said:Quote from 700 club this morning..
"We have a special 800 number set up to counsel people on how to respond to this movie..."
Translation---"We'll be happy to once again tell you what to think..."
This just in...
Da Vinci Code had the second best worldwide premiere weekend in history.
Guess folks do like the movie.