The DaVinci Code

(bigtime @ May 28 said:
people have to know that it is a bunch of crap before they go see it or it can really hurt them

But isn't that sort of handled for them since the book and movie are clearly represented as a work of FICTION? The DaVinci code seeks no historical credibility in the first place.
no people have tried to make the davinci code a real thing its miss leading and flat out stupid
(bigtime @ May 28 said:
its good that the 700 club is helping people with what to think about the movie people have to know that it is a bunch of crap before they go see it or it can really hurt them

it might have had the second best premiere in history but it still has no credability next to the #1 sellin book of all time the BIBLE

Just out of curiousity, how could not knowing this book is fiction hurt anyone? Play this game with me. What if everything in the DaVinci Code was determined to be true. How would this affect your life? Does the DVC say that Christ was a phoney? NO Does the DVC do anything to even suggest that Christianity is a myth? No...quite the opposite. So what if the early "leaders" of the RC Church (of which I'm a member) did intentionally rewrite some passages in order to provide not only themselves additional power, but to masculinize the world. Does that make you or I a sinner? No, it makes them sinners. What if Jesus were not "divine?" Does that make him less viable? NO again. What if MM really wasn't a hooker, does that bother anyone? No. What if Christ were really married to MM, what effect does that have on you? None

I believe that there are so many people that have taken the easy road to Christianity that they cannot stand to find there is a chink in the armour. There are truly at least 30 additional manuscripts, logs (there were no blogs back then) and other writings that could have been placed in the Bible. Did you know there are more books in the Catholic Bible than the protestant bibles? Wonder where they came from?

The bottom line imo is that the DVC has not only not damaged Christianity, but it has raised an awareness of it. I also believe that Pat Robertson and the like are Phalse Profits.
Here's what I don't get . . . How come the fiction of the DaVinci Code is harmful, but a couple of years ago the fiction of the "Left Behind" series was a great thing? They are effectively the same genre.
(BHAMVOLFAN @ May 28 said:
I also believe that Pat Robertson and the like are Phalse Profits.

Be careful BHAM . . . I just read where Pat claimed to leg press 2,000 lbs. He'll squash you like a grape.
I'm more worried about PR's assasination theories than his legs. At nearly 50, I can still outrun his legs, it's those 200gr Hornadys that I'm worried about.

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