The Democratic Party



Home Sweet Home to me...
Sep 15, 2007
I've only been eligible (because of age) to vote in the last two elections, and have done so. Honestly, the two party system IMO is a sham, but it is what we have right now.

I'm an open-minded person and never vote for the party, I always look to see what the person stands for on the issues. However, I have been thoroughly disappointed with the choices that the Democratic party seems to put forth. In my voting lifetime the choices have been: Gore, Kerry, and now either (most likely) Hillary or Obama.

For crap sakes, those four have absolutely nothing in common with me or truthfully, anyone I know or associate with. IMO it seems that the democratic party has spent their efforts (probably since the 1960's or early 1970's) trying to gobble up all the minority votes as to gain more of a base. However, in this attempt, they end up not standing for anything whatsoever. Therefore their candidates are so liberal or wishy-washy (Kerry) that I can't even bring myself to utter their name.

I'm not a Bush fan nor am I Bush basher. IMO he's better than the other two choices we had at the times.

In the end, I just wish that we actually had a real tough choice between several good candidates that wanted to take care of the real issues...

Any thoughts on the Democratic party and its base???
I've only been eligible (because of age) to vote in the last two elections, and have done so. Honestly, the two party system IMO is a sham, but it is what we have right now.

I'm an open-minded person and never vote for the party, I always look to see what the person stands for on the issues. However, I have been thoroughly disappointed with the choices that the Democratic party seems to put forth. In my voting lifetime the choices have been: Gore, Kerry, and now either (most likely) Hillary or Obama.

For crap sakes, those four have absolutely nothing in common with me or truthfully, anyone I know or associate with. IMO it seems that the democratic party has spent their efforts (probably since the 1960's or early 1970's) trying to gobble up all the minority votes as to gain more of a base. However, in this attempt, they end up not standing for anything whatsoever. Therefore their candidates are so liberal or wishy-washy (Kerry) that I can't even bring myself to utter their name.

I'm not a Bush fan nor am I Bush basher. IMO he's better than the other two choices we had at the times.

In the end, I just wish that we actually had a real tough choice between several good candidates that wanted to take care of the real issues...

Any thoughts on the Democratic party and its base???
I'm guessing you are about as open minded politically as fox news is fair and balanced I think we both get what I'm saying.:eek:k:
Nope. You're wrong. I would like to consistently vote on a rotating schedule. Dems then Repubs, Dems the Repubs, just to keep things shaken up and not allowing anyone to be a career politician, but the Dems aren't offering anyone that I even remotely relate to.
vote for the candidate who's ideas on various issues most closely matches your own. Party line voting has gotten us 8 years of a Clinton followed by 8 years of Bush and it's likely going to get us at least another 4 years of Clinton.

Ignore davol's snide inferences. If you're not an apologist for Gore/Kerry/Clinton/Dean then you must be some evil drone of Fox News.
Possibly another 4 years of Bush, too. Look out for Jeb Bush's son as the first Mexican Pres. of the U.S. in the next decade or so...
vote for the candidate who's ideas on various issues most closely matches your own.

I would agree with you there, but after Bush, I now disagree. He said he was a conservative, he got my vote in 2000, but he's been all about country building, ever changing war rationale, and big government. But I've already heard it all before, he was the lesser of two evils, right? Uhh, no!
I just want a canidate that cares more about actually making America better for the majority of people than some other nation, government leecher, illegal immigrant, or criminal.

I don't care about Iraq, mexican's here illegally, drug dealers, or people who wont work. Let them starve for all I care. I work every day, pay my bills, pay my taxes, and take care of my family. I do not want to pay for anyone else. I would willingly pay more in taxes if they went to police officers, firefighters, paramedics, soldiers, and veterans. People that there job helps my family benefit and everyone as a whole.

What i think our tax dollars should go to is defending America from outside threats, criminals, creating more jobs. and helping our country become self supporting. It is more than able to if we were actually willing and made the welfare leechers actually work.
I'm at the point to where I don't want to vote anymore. I never thought I would say that.

I'm guessing you are about as open minded politically as fox news is fair and balanced I think we both get what I'm saying.:eek:k:

i think you are one of the people that gives real, thinking liberals bad names.
i think you are one of the people that gives real, thinking liberals bad names.
I'm sorry I do not holdup to your standards of a real thinking liberal I guess I'll never be good enough and my life won't be complete.:cray:
Since you are a real thinking liberal I'm sure you know sarcasm when you see it.:)
At the end of the day, I care about these things and they aren't in order of importance whatsoever:

1) Social programs - they are a sham. They are giving bums money and not helping out people who work and struggle or who have recently lost a job.

2) Our security as a country regarding Middle East, Russia, etc.

3) Our energy crisis and the environment. Our technology is at a level that our energy providers haven't kept up with. We have way too much smarts to be using inefficient and dirty fuel sources for electricity and cars. I'm over it.

4) Our local infrastructures: police, fire, education, etc.

5) Letting illegal aliens (yes aliens) into the country. I have no problem with someone coming in the legal way, we are all immigrants or children of them, but come in the legal way. Otherwise you are a criminal

6) The massive drug problem in America. There is too much crookedness behind the drugs and the byproducts of their usage.

7) The fact that some people are lobbying hard to rid our country of guns is abysmal. I could beat this topic in the ground, but anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together sees right through this far fetched idea.

8) The lack of use of capital punishment. There are too many people doing haneous crimes and getting away with it or not getting the same treatment their victims received.

9) Healthcare, I don't want a comprehensive healthcare system. That is border line communism. However, I feel if a man works, he deserves health care, it may not be as great as everyone else's with better jobs, but he deserves something. Bums and prisoners deserve none.

10) Social security. Fix this now. I'm 25 but this is ridiculous. Jimmy Carter is a moron who started this snowball and now that all of the congressman are no longer apart of social security but have their own "special ss" then they could care less. Fix it now. People who work for forty years deserve to be taken care of, not abandoned.

11) Our veterans. Take care of them at whatever cost. We are spending way more on welfare bums than we are spending on men who have fought for our freedoms. Let's get real.

12) Get rid of affirmative action. It is an oxymoron. You are "trying" to make things fair by discriminating. Another crock.

Okay, I'm now stepping down off the soap box. I'm sure I left a bunch out that I'm usually pretty adamant about, but this will do for now.
At the end of the day, I care about these things and they aren't in order of importance whatsoever:

1) Social programs - they are a sham. They are giving bums money and not helping out people who work and struggle or who have recently lost a job.

2) Our security as a country regarding Middle East, Russia, etc.

3) Our energy crisis and the environment. Our technology is at a level that our energy providers haven't kept up with. We have way too much smarts to be using inefficient and dirty fuel sources for electricity and cars. I'm over it.

4) Our local infrastructures: police, fire, education, etc.

5) Letting illegal aliens (yes aliens) into the country. I have no problem with someone coming in the legal way, we are all immigrants or children of them, but come in the legal way. Otherwise you are a criminal

6) The massive drug problem in America. There is too much crookedness behind the drugs and the byproducts of their usage.

7) The fact that some people are lobbying hard to rid our country of guns is abysmal. I could beat this topic in the ground, but anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together sees right through this far fetched idea.

8) The lack of use of capital punishment. There are too many people doing haneous crimes and getting away with it or not getting the same treatment their victims received.

9) Healthcare, I don't want a comprehensive healthcare system. That is border line communism. However, I feel if a man works, he deserves health care, it may not be as great as everyone else's with better jobs, but he deserves something. Bums and prisoners deserve none.

10) Social security. Fix this now. I'm 25 but this is ridiculous. Jimmy Carter is a moron who started this snowball and now that all of the congressman are no longer apart of social security but have their own "special ss" then they could care less. Fix it now. People who work for forty years deserve to be taken care of, not abandoned.

11) Our veterans. Take care of them at whatever cost. We are spending way more on welfare bums than we are spending on men who have fought for our freedoms. Let's get real.

12) Get rid of affirmative action. It is an oxymoron. You are "trying" to make things fair by discriminating. Another crock.

Okay, I'm now stepping down off the soap box. I'm sure I left a bunch out that I'm usually pretty adamant about, but this will do for now.

Sounds like I have a Libertarian to mold in my image!

i think you are one of the people that gives real, thinking liberals bad names.

I'm sorry I do not holdup to your standards of a real thinking liberal I guess I'll never be good enough and my life won't be complete.:cray:
Since you are a real thinking liberal I'm sure you know sarcasm when you see it.:)

Liberal fight! Liberal fight!

Where's the tolerance and understanding? You two need to "dialogue". Perhaps the UN could resolve this dispute...:p
Liberal fight! Liberal fight!

Where's the tolerance and understanding? You two need to "dialogue". Perhaps the UN could resolve this dispute...:p
How about you moderate VBH.Thanks for the laugh.:birgits_giggle:
yeah, I suppose you're right. Now that I reread davol's comment I discover that he had a rare moment of coherence and I wasn't expecting it.

I'm guessing you are about as open minded politically as fox news is fair and balanced I think we both get what I'm saying.:eek:k:

I would imagine that if a persons politics leaned left then fox news would not appear fair and balanced but CNN would seem fair and balanced?
In the end, I just wish that we actually had a real tough choice between several good candidates that wanted to take care of the real issues...

Any thoughts on the Democratic party and its base???

Anyone want to respond to this???

VN Store
