The Democratic Party

As to the original question, the democratic party is vastly different from the democratic party of the 90's, and even early 2000's. I didn't agree with them then, but now they have been totally hijacked by progressives (socialists). I think it is very unlikely that the moderates or even "normal" democrats in the party....what's left of them.....stand a snowballs chance in Hades of ever reclaiming it either.
As to the original question, the democratic party is vastly different from the democratic party of the 90's, and even early 2000's. I didn't agree with them then, but now they have been totally hijacked by progressives (socialists). I think it is very unlikely that the moderates or even "normal" democrats in the party....what's left of them.....stand a snowballs chance in Hades of ever reclaiming it either.
Same could be said for the Republican Party, which is unrecognizable from just 15-20 years ago.
“I wasn’t there. I was away.” “Ok it was me but someone gave me something for anxiety that I hadn’t taken before, therefore, it’s not my fault.” “I’m not responsible for my actions in taking meds that I am not familiar with, therefore, off the hook. Y’all don’t know me!”

‘Bout sums up a lot that we see in society today, eh?
I took something somebody gave me once.
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It wuz da sushi!

Demorat cantidate said:
“"She asked me to come over. She asked me to bring some wine. We had wine and sushi and a couple of hours later, we were upstairs in their theater room watching a movie," Broyles said. "For years I have struggled with stress and anxiety and insomnia. I took the bar exam on 2 hours of sleep. I mean, this is how far this goes back for me. And she knows that. And she gave me a medication I had never taken before. And I had an adverse reaction. Instead of helping me sleep, I hallucinated. And I don’t remember anything until I woke up or came to, and I was throwing up in a hamper." ?
The democrat party has become a circus freakshow. I mean that literally not metaphorically.
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True. Sadly, fiscally conservatives are becoming more rare. We really need the Republicans to became fiscal hawks again, but that will likely never happen.

Nobody can become fiscally responsible as long as others are handing out free stuff. The issue was raised about democracies and keys to the treasury centuries ago. It's a more complicated process in a republic - simply gets down to vote buying through sponsoring government giveaways - people always want free stuff - especially if they aren't paying the taxes funding the "free stuff".
Nobody can become fiscally responsible as long as others are handing out free stuff. The issue was raised about democracies and keys to the treasury centuries ago. It's a more complicated process in a republic - simply gets down to vote buying through sponsoring government giveaways - people always want free stuff - especially if they aren't paying the taxes funding the "free stuff".

Basically, yes. If the Republicans really wanted to be fiscally conservative again then they would have to start cutting out some of that free stuff. This would lead to large amounts of whining from some people meaning that they may lose some votes when they cut things here. That's why I am afraid the the final solution is for us to collapse financially and then there will simply be no more money to give.
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Basically, yes. If the Republicans really wanted to be fiscally conservative again then they would have to start cutting out some of that free stuff. This would lead to large amounts of whining from some people meaning that they may lose some votes when they cut things here. That's why I am afraid the the final solution is for us to collapse financially and then there will simply be no more money to give.
The whining would come from their corporate sponsors who would just go buy someone else. There is no intention of cutting spending from either side since it makes them all rich
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The whining would come from their corporate sponsors who would just go buy someone else. There is no intention of cutting spending from either side since it makes them all rich

That's a BS argument. The dems use corporate sponsors as much as republicans - they just claim not to. BTW do you not see unions (a dem staple) as much a corporate entity as corporations? One supplies goods and services; the other supplies labor - not much different otherwise - except unions are protected/exempted from antitrust regulations.
That's a BS argument. The dems use corporate sponsors as much as republicans - they just claim not to. BTW do you not see unions (a dem staple) as much a corporate entity as corporations? One supplies goods and services; the other supplies labor - not much different otherwise - except unions are protected/exempted from antitrust regulations.
It's not bs at all and I never said one was truly wise than the other. The only difference is the Dems don't lie and act like cutting spending is a priority for them. The GOP lies to get votes and then never does it
It's not bs at all and I never said one was truly wise than the other. The only difference is the Dems don't lie and act like cutting spending is a priority for them. The GOP lies to get votes and then never does it

Not true. The dems always lie about cutting defense spending and corporate welfare.

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