It is very likely that after this season, the Holly beatdown will diminish. Sadly tho, it's totally to be expected this year. Of course the new regime is going to be compared to the old. I feel very bad about Holly's sad Peter Principle fate but of course we're going to look for every scintilla of improvement over her reign.
IMO, there has been tangible improvement, most notably in the areas of focus and chemistry. Still a long way to go, especially in decision making and ball security, but we finally seem to be headed in the right direction instead of careening toward the bottom of the barrel.
About "the shot", of course it was a desperation heave, anyone denying that totally lives in a fantasy world. Oh wait, some here do dwell in Land LA LA where these posts actually influence recruits and the staff debates whether to reach out for their expert input. Sorry forgot for a minute.
Maybe practicing the game winning heave, as everyone who's ever played the game does, helped make it happen but the fact remains it was a disaster of a last play. I'm assuming the intent was put the ball in the hands of your best player and let her work. Unfortunately, Davis' biggest flaw, her hesitancy, made that a bad call. Not a crazy one, just the wrong one, even tho we got lucky. A better one, as pointed out upthread, would have been to involve all five and maybe get the ball inside. Perfect hindsight, I know.
I think teams often wait way too long on these plays to actually initiate a move toward scoring. I get that you don't want to give the other team too much time after you score, but if there are five seconds left and you're still diddling 30 feet away you're probably going to lose. IMO the move toward the basket should start with about 6 secs left and the shot goes up with about 3. That way there's a chance for a rebound and putback, but not enough for a quality play for the opposition if you score.
I hope, and believe, after the fun and celebration of the last shot subsides, the takeaway is we need to address the malfunction of the last chance play.
Overall, decision making is the big bugaboo I see left to conquer. Most of our many turnovers are directly attributable to just poor choices; overpassing, hesitating, or bulling forward when pulling up would do. It is a very young team but during the second half of the season I expect to see tangible improvement in this area, especially for Horston. Tonight would be a great time to start.