The Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

Best wishes for all my friends in Houston. Been through it in New Orleans. Y'all have always had our backs! We'll never forget that.
Yes, prayers for all my friends in Greater Houston. I experienced the mostly non-storm for Houston, Hurricane Rita in 2005, and was part of that 3,000,000 people who tried to evacuate at the same time and went nowhere. Complete and total gridlock. I knew several people who tried to leave and spent 2 hours going nowhere and went back home to wait it out. It took me 21 hours to get to Arlington, TX -- normally a 3+ hour trip in 2005 from northeast Houston -- with the first 15 hours going 15 miles. I believe they have contra lanes now on some of the major roads (or at least the plan was to do that) but I don't know how well they work. The worst part is the aftermath with the flooding and power outages.

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