The Endzone Garden Thread

I have a ton of lightening bugs in my front yard. It's actually incredible to see them. After some googling, I think the main reason is because due to being lazy I never raked up the last batch of leaves last fall. They are literally everywhere. I even see a lot during the day just hanging out.
You’re cutting edge! Seriously, thank you.

I have a ton of lightening bugs in my front yard. It's actually incredible to see them. After some googling, I think the main reason is because due to being lazy I never raked up the last batch of leaves last fall. They are literally everywhere. I even see a lot during the day just hanging out.
What the heck are you doing back here?! I kid🤣.
Yep, lookin’ at you, big boy!! 🦋🐝

(Seriously, just rake or blow them under those big trees at the edge of your property. They’re good for the trees too, as they decay and return nutrients to the soil.)
That's actually what I do, just take them to the edge of the grass
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Yep, lookin’ at you, big boy!! 🦋🐝

(Seriously, just rake or blow them under those big trees at the edge of your property. They’re good for the trees too, as they decay and return nutrients to the soil.)

That's actually what I do, just take them to the edge of the grass
I have way too many trees to do that. I will vacuum up some of the annual leaf fall, add some to my compost bin, and use the rest as mulch. Quite a lot gets blown to the curb, where a vacuum truck picks them up each Fall/Winter. This collection is used for composting and mulch on public lands.
I have way too many trees to do that. I will vacuum up some of the annual leaf fall, add some to my compost bin, and use the rest as mulch. Quite a lot gets blown to the curb, where a vacuum truck picks them up each Fall/Winter. This collection is used for composting and mulch on public lands.
Just blow them in the neighbors yard
I have a ton of lightening bugs in my front yard. It's actually incredible to see them. After some googling, I think the main reason is because due to being lazy I never raked up the last batch of leaves last fall. They are literally everywhere. I even see a lot during the day just hanging out. apprently don't mow grass either?
That's actually what I do, just take them to the edge of the grass
We rake them onto the flower beds, heaping them up as high as we can, and then add the rest to the compost pile, or rake them to the side of the house, pile them up, and let them rot down. Then add that to vegetable beds in the spring. I don't have to buy bagged compost for existing beds anymore.

I also ask neighbors if I can have their leaves that they've bagged up (and then return their fancy bags.)
I do but the grass stops growing long before all the leaves drop.
If you have a mulching setting on your lawn mower plus a catching bag, just run the mower over the leaves in late fall, collect the shredded leaves, and dump them in an out-of-the-way area.

^^^This is only necessary if you live in a neighborhood with a buncha prissy neighbors and/or an HOA that believes it's their mission in life to make everyone have an artificial monoculture of non-native bright green grass called a "front lawn." Otherwise, sit back and enjoy watching Nature do its thing.
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We have a visitor! Well, visitors.

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Geez. How lazy. Today's kids...

Our house has become quite popular with the local woodland wildlife. Probably the cat food that sits out on the deck. And the supply of fresh water. Got a family of skunks that sleep under the deck. Walked right past me last week while I was watering flowers to get a snack. Their eye sight sucks. Glad I froze. But, they've yet to threaten to spray us. Pretty interesting skunk markings though. One is solid black with only a white head cap. One has a superwide single white strip and head cap. The mama and baby are traditional two stripers with black heads. Down to three though. One was out in the road in front of the drive and didn't see the car coming. Got a regular coyote that comes around. He was near the deck when I pulled in last night. Watched it catch a chipmunk couple weeks ago. It decided to have it's snack in front of the flower beds. Coyotes are pretty nimble. The other night I came in, and the possums and skunks were having a coed party in the drive. And got moles. Lots of moles. And deer. Fields accross the street are in soy beans this summer. Hope that keeps them from stripping my green bean leaves again. Gonna put some lead in the coyote though. Had the sights on it few weeks ago, but a car came around the curve. Would have been irresponsible shot. They get after the calves.

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