I agree. There's just so much that can happen. I mean, the clear best team in college basketball last year didn't even do it (but went on to win it all).
Remember the year Georgia shocked everyone? Think that was the "tornado" year.
Be weary of the let down game.....we've done our job so far, but ive seen it time and time again. After a huge win, road game v opponent that you should beat......and only to come away dejected. Thats how we dont get in the Dance is by losing to Geo....if we dont win, florida game dont mean crap........boom
I hate to admit it, but I agree. No doubt the talent level has gotten worse, our offensive numbers are terrible and our defense is average. It doesnt help u mcbrick building us a new gym the way he is shooting. I knew we bought cuonzo at too high of a price.....maybe we can get bob knight in to throw some chairs around the 'summit', no doubt that will put us back on the map.
This is all wonderful info .....if your loving the NIT invite.
Big Dance or bust....
everyone get off your high horse and realize our destination is either the NIT or the CBI....
Even though we've been playing better, it seems pretty hard to imagine us actually winning the SEC tournament.