The failure of conservatism and liberalism..

You know, I could have sworn that the Republicans were in control in 2005, but I must be crazy.

i agree, but it was still blocked the dem minority, but they had help with some republicans so they didn't have the votes to overide the veto.
didn't mccain warn us in 2005 about the freddy and fannie. and guess who stopped his legislation for reform???? it was the dem leadership, with a hand full of republicans.

i agree that this last republican majority with the president did start a lot of programs. that's why they were kicked out of office, they tried to be democrats.

The Fannie/Freddie aspect of this is overblown. Fannie and Freddie were far from the worst subprime perpetrators. If you look at loan programs acorss the board, the IB's had the most exotic and toxic loans out there. Anything the GSE's didn't do, they were happy to accomodate.

This meltdown is certainly amplified by the fact that the housing market depended far too heavily on two agencies -- but they were certainly not even close to doing the worst loans on the market. This meltdown was coming regardless -- and it was due to lack of oversight into the IB's and Fannie/Freddie -- which was their ability to take on far too much risk for the reserve base.
Yet according to 60 Minutes last night Joe Biden has done 84 interviews to date and Sarah Palin has done 2. Hmm, I wonder why?

oh my, biden has 84 ass kisses. if i was palin, i would limit my interviews. biden knows he's going to get a pass on his interviews, they're not going to challenge him on his past votes or records. they'll try to rip palin
Yet according to 60 Minutes last night Joe Biden has done 84 interviews to date and Sarah Palin has done 2. Hmm, I wonder why?

because Biden is an attention whore in love with the sound of his own voice.
oh my, biden has 84 ass kisses. if i was palin, i would limit my interviews. biden knows he's going to get a pass on his interviews, they're not going to challenge him on his past votes or records. they'll try to rip palin

I could maybe see your point if it were 84 to 40 but 84 to 2 is pretty telling. It is obvious that the ticket is keeping Palin from the media so that she doesn't slip up on an economic or foreign policy question.
oh my, biden has 84 ass kisses. if i was palin, i would limit my interviews. biden knows he's going to get a pass on his interviews, they're not going to challenge him on his past votes or records. they'll try to rip palin

Yes, because the interview with Sean Hannity was sooo hard hitting.

Yet according to 60 Minutes last night Joe Biden has done 84 interviews to date and Sarah Palin has done 2. Hmm, I wonder why?

Maybe 84 interviewers were buying drinks after?:dunno:
And Obama has been grilled on the issues?

O'Reilly had his shot, it's not Obama's fault if they don't and it still doesn't make sense for Palin to avoid interviews unless they're afraid of her answers. If it was about the media than McCain wouldn't be doing them either. Hell, Palin could do Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh and that would be one more than she has now.
Did you see the Bill O'Reiliy interview?

O'Reilly had his shot, it's not Obama's fault if they don't and it still doesn't make sense for Palin to avoid interviews unless they're afraid of her answers. If it was about the media than McCain wouldn't be doing them either. Hell, Palin could do Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh and that would be one more than she has now.

She has not been on the campaign trail as long as the others have. It will taker her some time to get up to speed on the rehearsed answers (they all do this). Not to mention the fact that as of right now there is no real need for her to. Better for her to prepare for the inevitable debates with Biden.
after Charlie Gibson's Palin interview and McCain's reception on "The View", I think they should just keep Palin out on the campaign trail, drawing huge crowds, and sitting down to interviews by favorable, or at least neutral, local media. If she does any more national interviews, Palin should be interviewed by Chris Wallace or Brit Hume of FNC and maybe Tom Brokaw on "Meet the Press". She shouldn't give MSNBC or CNN the time of day.

It does nothing for the campaign by letting another asshat like Gibson or Chris Matthews froth at the mouth and chastise Palin for being a career oriented mother. Matthews and his ilk are arrogant to think that a candidate needs their approval before he or she can be elected.

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