well which is it.....Fox news is crap when you disagree......Fox news is golden when you agree
like I said....we will see in a couple of months when Romney gets out and is able to get his message across.....BHO is doing nothing for jobs....if MR can convince them that he will bring jobs, he will win votes
LOL @ you two, refusing to see what is right in front of you.
In a 2010 NBC poll, only 31 percent of Hispanics support the Arizona law. In fact, 58 percent say they strongly oppose the law.
You accuse me of projecting what I think the Hispanic population thinks? Fools. The numbers show what the Hispanic population thinks, and why -- the overwhelming reason is that they believe such laws demonstrate hostility to the Hispanic population.
Obama is going to shove that down Romney's throat, at every turn. And we all know how sincere Romney appears when he backpedals. Again.
Even Fox News says you guys are full of crap.
GOP Hopefuls Losing Ground to Obama Among Latinos, Poll Says | Fox News Latino
Obama leads Romney by an ASTOUNDING 78-14 margin among likely Hispanic voters.
What say ye, now, idiots?
googled "Obama support among Hispanics" and article after article pops up and not a one on the first page is possitive for BHO....hummmmm
You mean the ones citing to gsvolesque blogs ? I saw them, too. Read one. You will laugh your azz off at the twisted, painful reaching they engage in to try to spin the dismal situation into a positive for the GOP.