Tariffs are effective at pushing back. We hold the best hand with access to our consumer market, free protection of shipping routes, and dollar based transaction enablement. Tariffs are a way to leverage that hand without going so far as to ban countries from doing business here. There will be some short term pain if the targeted cheaters retaliate. Segments of our economy will be hurt so the elected officials representing areas that are impacted will say what they have to to get re-elected. Nations choose retaliatory tariffs hoping to hurt businesses in targeted lawmakers' states and districts. If we cave in the cheating trade "partners" will never change.
I just wish that instead of using tariff revenues as bailouts for impacted industries, they'd be designated for debt reduction. Businesses that have chosen to be dependant on China took a risk. When they are very successful in those dealings they don't donate to the Treasury beyond their minimum tax obligation.