Sort of am I the a-hole question for the fellow golfers here. So, I was playing a round today. Sitting on the fairway in my cart waiting for the green to clear. As I’m sitting there WHACK someone from the tee on the hole beside me slices one and it hit the handle of my cart. Got really lucky to not be hit by that hall. The tee box is blocked by trees so I don’t think they could of saw me there, but there was no fore or right or anything yelled. I wasn’t mad because I knew it was an accident, but since no one has as behind me I waited for them to come up. Now again I wasn’t mad, a little shook from realizing how close a call I had, yeah. So I don’t think I had a rude tone, if anything maybe nervous sounding, but when they came up I pointed to where their ball was and said “yeah, it actually hit my cart. You know if you hit one towards another hole and you can’t see where it’s gonna land just yell fore to be safe.” So the guy snaps back pretty quickly and was like “well you can’t see from that tee box we didn’t know where you were” kind of rudely at that. At that point I do get a little ticked and was like yeah that’s the point before driving off. So, was I being the jerk by sitting there and waiting until his partner hit his second shot and for them came over to say something?