Once again you are swallowing... a bunch of non-sense. The tax increases would go into effect for next year. The cuts would be "to be determined later".No meaningful cuts? What if it were $3 trillion in cuts and $1 trillion in revenues, for total deficit reduction of $4 trillion?
The way he's worded it is this... he gets tax increases then agrees that he MIGHT sign spending cuts once Congress put them forth. IOW's, he gets what he wants then gets to demagogue the GOP later. That's why he is so frustrated that Cantor "called his bluff".
You make a valid point, but I think that is what the GOP has to insist on -- that the revenue generated by eliminating the Bush tax cuts go directly to paying down the debt. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
What revenue? That tax increase would directly effect wealth creation, economic expansion, and employment. It would VERY LIKELY result in less revenues to the gov't.