The Great Reset



Mostly Peaceful Poster
Oct 28, 2009
Have you heard a number of the global ruling elites refer to “the great reset”? It’s being promoted through groups like the World Economic Forum. People like John Kerry as linked below are very excited about it. Trudeau explains that COVID is giving them an opportunity to remake global economic systems to their liking. The president of the European council is excited that in partnership with Joe Biden they’ll begin to rewrite the rule book on our new “digital economy and society”. And as John Kerry mentions, it will help to prevent populist uprisings like Brexit and Donald Trump. Disgusting Trump voters getting in the way with John Kerry’s global utopian state!

Let no crisis go to waste!

Not sure why they didn’t add the video to YouTube but you can watch it on their website below
The Great Reset: Building Future Resilience to Global Risks

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John Kerry is very adamant that the “reset” doesn’t not mean going back to the old way of doing things. Which of course he would be adamant about, since prior to the China virus, Trump’s policies were very beneficial to the US economy. Idiot Trump voters only care about themselves and their country! No regard for the rest of the world!
COVID-19 was the Trojan Horse that they used to role the Great Reset into the world. It's obvious.

Interestingly, I wasn't able to find this video on YouTube using the search feature. Had to go to Parler (BlakeJPalmer) and click on a link I'd shared.

I haven't formed an opinion on it yet. Some widespread change is probably necessary... but my guess is they'll take that too far. Obviously I don't agree with how they rolled it into the world on the back of COVID-19. If you're willing to kill thousands of people for your cause, your cause is probably evil.
Sorry for flooding this thread with posts... but I'm just so taken aback by this whole thing. I wasn't aware of it until yesterday. I mean I'd heard the term but had just chalked it up as another crazy conspiracy theory. This is the opposite. You've got world leaders openly pushing for this. President Trump resisted the idea in a speech he delivered to the World Economic Forum in January. Also in January, Bill Gates's WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19.
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Sorry for flooding this thread with posts... but I'm just so taken aback by this whole thing. I wasn't aware of it until yesterday. I mean I'd heard the term but had just chalked it up as another crazy conspiracy theory. This is the opposite. You've got world leaders openly pushing for this. President Trump resisted the idea in a speech he delivered to the World Economic Forum in January. Also in January, Bill Gates's WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19.
Amazing how many people in this country immediately ignore anything labeled as a “conspiracy theory”.

That label has been an extremely effective and powerful way for the media to suppress nearly all intelligent discussion / debate of controversial issues.
Have you heard a number of the global ruling elites refer to “the great reset”? It’s being promoted through groups like the World Economic Forum. People like John Kerry as linked below are very excited about it. Trudeau explains that COVID is giving them an opportunity to remake global economic systems to their liking. The president of the European council is excited that in partnership with Joe Biden they’ll begin to rewrite the rule book on our new “digital economy and society”. And as John Kerry mentions, it will help to prevent populist uprisings like Brexit and Donald Trump. Disgusting Trump voters getting in the way with John Kerry’s global utopian state!

Let no crisis go to waste!

Not sure why they didn’t add the video to YouTube but you can watch it on their website below
The Great Reset: Building Future Resilience to Global Risks

Spooky stuff I tell ya. Boogeymen and lizard people everywhere.
Obviously 95% of the people here don't agree what you say most of the time when it comes to politics, so I'm not surprised that you'd come in here and throw some garbage into the thread... but this comment is very telling. It reveals one of two things:

1. You're just a troll and you knowingly make stupid comments to stir the pot.
2. You're ignorant.

There is no option where the Great Reset isn't real. It's indisputable.
Obviously 95% of the people here don't agree what you say most of the time when it comes to politics, so I'm not surprised that you'd come in here and throw some garbage into the thread... but this comment is very telling. It reveals one of two things:

1. You're just a troll and you knowingly make stupid comments to stir the pot.
2. You're ignorant.

There is no option where the Great Reset isn't real. It's indisputable.
No trolling the fearmongering is just funny.

What they are saying is only scary to people afraid of their own shadows.
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