The Great Reset

Close schools, shut down the economy and relieve school loans for worthless degrees. Unemployed and uneducated, just like they want the young in this country. We are sunk without a shot fired. You can see in this thread examples of those who fit this mold and elected the **** that will sell us out.
A few weeks back I posted the link to the World Economic Forum and some of their Great Reset ideas. It'd be bonkers if people weren't actually serious about it.
They are absolutely serious about this it will happen. The new administration will go along with it. They will sell it alone on America's debt relief.
Why do you think most Americans are head over heels in debt? In order to establish credit you have to prove you can handle debt. Once you do that you can go into larger debt. Debt into a house, a nice truck or 128k in student loans. This is the major selling point of the great reset. Money created out of air, fiat money.
Either accept the great reset or pay your debt right now. That'll be happening.
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See video - it’s a hard pass on Marxism for me

If you can’t see through this agenda based on everything else that’s happened in 2020, you need a serious wake up call.

Guy looks like Blofeld, but yeah it’s just global wealth redistribution.
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Laura ingrahm had a great opening monolog about this last night. I don't watch news tv but i caught that. It was great. I cant find to post.
My God, what a bunch of nonsense in this thread.

Biden a great President? He'll be like every other politician and he'll spend 10 times the money he brings in.

Republicans or those who "speak out" thrown in concentration camps? Dear God, drunken spending requires at lease some tax revenue. So Kamala is going to take working tax payers and put them in camps an gas chambers? Again, who will fund the drunken sailer spending?

Here's a newsflash: all Presidents are pretty much the same. Trump was slightly different because he was crass and never really wanted to be President and didn't really want to be reelected. Aside from that, he was spending us into oblivion even before Covid. He wasn't "fighting for our freedoms" he was further imprisoning our great grandchildren to debt just like the rest.

They're all the same, and a healthy dose of gridlock is what we really need right now.
Close schools, shut down the economy and relieve school loans for worthless degrees. Unemployed and uneducated, just like they want the young in this country. We are sunk without a shot fired. You can see in this thread examples of those who fit this mold and elected the **** that will sell us out.
There have been people say before that we would fall and it would come from within, we are seeing that in action right now
My God, what a bunch of nonsense in this thread.

Biden a great President? He'll be like every other politician and he'll spend 10 times the money he brings in.

Republicans or those who "speak out" thrown in concentration camps? Dear God, drunken spending requires at lease some tax revenue. So Kamala is going to take working tax payers and put them in camps an gas chambers? Again, who will fund the drunken sailer spending?

Here's a newsflash: all Presidents are pretty much the same. Trump was slightly different because he was crass and never really wanted to be President and didn't really want to be reelected. Aside from that, he was spending us into oblivion even before Covid. He wasn't "fighting for our freedoms" he was further imprisoning our great grandchildren to debt just like the rest.

They're all the same, and a healthy dose of gridlock is what we really need right now.
No one is worried about Biden, he doesn’t know what planet he’s on. Commie Harris is the problem and she will be president in about 2 years
Going to sound like a neocon, but I truly believe we are at a point where money has overthrown dignity and people will begin selling out left and right.

People pay for convenience. What is more convenient than being paid to keep your mouth shut ?
People have shown during the COVID lockdowns that they will rat you out for not masking, social distancing or opening a business.
Why do you think most Americans are head over heels in debt? In order to establish credit you have to prove you can handle debt. Once you do that you can go into larger debt. Debt into a house, a nice truck or 128k in student loans. This is the major selling point of the great reset. Money created out of air, fiat money.
Either accept the great reset or pay your debt right now. That'll be happening.
They will reset everything and give everyone digital currency. Universal basic income will be the norm. Then, if you decide to pipe up about the government, they can freeze your assets or turn off your account. They will also be able to track every purchase. Privacy is out the window that that point. The Chinese social merit system will be a global thing.
People have shown during the COVID lockdowns that they will rat you out for not masking, social distancing or opening a business.
I called some people out on Facebook that said we needed to follow mask mandates and shutdowns of businesses. I asked them why Governor Newsom didn’t follow his own mandates. Their response was “he was wrong, but we need to follow those orders anyway.” People are already brainwashed. It’s like talking to someone from North Korea.
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Republicans or those who "speak out" thrown in concentration camps? Dear God, drunken spending requires at lease some tax revenue. So Kamala is going to take working tax payers and put them in camps an gas chambers? Again, who will fund the drunken sailer spending?
They don't need tax revenues anymore. Haven't you been paying attention? They can just print more money.

Here's a newsflash: all Presidents are pretty much the same. Trump was slightly different because he was crass and never really wanted to be President and didn't really want to be reelected.

Which is exactly why he is fighting right now with all of these state election cases.

Aside from that, he was spending us into oblivion even before Covid. He wasn't "fighting for our freedoms" he was further imprisoning our great grandchildren to debt just like the rest.
Oh, Trump did pile up the debt... there is no argument from me that he certainly did that. I believe the difference is that trump would have defaulted on the debt. These other guys would use the debt to enslave us.

They're all the same, and a healthy dose of gridlock is what we really need right now.
With the increased use of executive orders, there really isn't gridlock anymore.
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Nice. I read that someone on here the other day was talking about Reagan's dementia in his 2nd term. This video is at the end of his second term. He sounds perfectly lucid to me.
The "dementia" stuff began to float around after the Iran-Contra hearings and Reagan's argument that he didn't know what those guys in the basement were doing.

I believe Reagan had very limited info (if any) about what exactly was going on with Iran-Contra. I think that once GHWB was able to weasel his way on to the ticket, that opened the door for the Neocons to come in and run their operation. I think once the Iran-Contra stuff broke, only then did Reagan get a full understanding of what was really going on.
Nice. I read that someone on here the other day was talking about Reagan's dementia in his 2nd term. This video is at the end of his second term. He sounds perfectly lucid to me.

To me , he was one of the best people I’ve ever listened to at delivering a message in public , and ive listened to what I think are some great orators . I believe his speeches are the gold standard for public speaking . All that being said I’ve got to give whoever wrote his speeches some mad skill points .

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