Yes, you are, actually! You're saying that if you pay more in taxes than someone else, then they're "stealing" from you, and that it's not your fault they "don't work as hard as you."
That's not making a moral judgment over what belongs to them... it is making a moral a moral judgment over WHAT BELONGS TO ME.
If that's not a pair of moral judgments, it would definitely pass for one in a police lineup.
What you own is yours. What I own is mine. What you earn is yours. What I earn is mine. If our gov't is going to treat us equal under the law then it should not be in the business of saying you earned too much and therefore should be treated differently.
No. I'm saying gradually raise the percentage from 0% to some top cap, like 35%, so that EVERY PERSON MAKING 10K or more pays the same percentage on that first 10K. Similarly with everyone's first 20K, 30K, etc.
I know precisely how the progressive income tax works. You can stop repeating this now. I would not state such concrete and emphatic opposition to it if I had not thought it through carefully and over a significant amount of time.
Once again, I am not opposed to taxation. I am opposed to the income tax and particularly the progressive income tax.
What's "enough" isn't for me to say.
EXACTLY. And since the gov't derives ALL of its legitimate powers from the people (as an extension of what they have a right to determine and do)... it is not for gov't to say either.
But it's certain that 0 isn't enough to live on, and 1 million is more than enough (at least today).
Now you have conflated the argument again from how to tax to how to redistribute wealth.
I really wish you would read up on the Fair Tax to see how it protects those you are concerned about. IIRC, a family of 4 would receive a "pre-bate" for about $400 per month so that they do NOT pay taxes on essentials. Roughly the first $1700 spent each month by a family would be tax free. Remember, all those hidden taxes would be eliminated too. The ONLY tax directed toward the American people would be this 23% sales tax collected on expenditures over $1700 per month.
No phone tax, airline ticket tax, corporate taxes hidden in prices, gas tax, transportation taxes hidden in prices, etc.
After the essentials... who consumes more? By far and away those with more disposable income do.
Gone would be the loopholes that allow Warren Buffett to pay less income tax than his secretary. This is an old article but note just one thing:
Byron York on John Kerry & Tax Returns on National Review Online How many times did multi-millionaires like Kerry, Gore, and Bush living a lavish lifestyle with $1000 plate dinners, in home chefs/gardners/maids/butlers, luxury cars, multiple mansions, yachts, private jets, etc report less than $200K in income?
Do you really want a way to make these high consumers of wealth pay their "fair share"? I do. They will NEVER do it under an income tax administered by them or their elite pals.