The Impeachment Thread

No more so than a POTUS without two nickels to rub together entering office buying a multimillion dollar house after leaving.

Wall Street bad , big money bad , wealth gap bad , huge corporations bad ... gets out of office and is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak in front of said bad people . In Hillary’s case she talked bad about them , got paid by them after leaving SOS and then talked bad about them again while running for president . Lol
Just wondering if anyone is asked for this so called whistleblower’s phone records, emails etc.
Got that feeling Schitt is behind this, since he sent out a tweet a month ago talking about this whole Trump/Ukraine mess.

That feeling you have is partisan bloat.
Republicans seem to think that because Trump is too stupid to properly hide his crimes, they must not be crimes.

The delusion that he's a step ahead of everything and everyone would be hilarious if I didn't have to be reminded he is the POTUS.

It's sad.
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It would be a major scandal but instead Trump"s kids did the ethical thing and cut all ties to international business dealings

LOL, they stopped? If you believe that, you're high. Even Ivanka used daddy's leverage for her clothing line.

It's asinine to suggest that the Trump cartel isn't squeezing every nickle they can out of daddy's influence.

Instead of parroting a tweet because it aligns with your narrative, try applying common sense.

Look at his financial disclosures when he went into office.
You can fake laugh as much as you want, but that doesn’t make your argument any less silly. Unlike the con artist currently occupying the White House, Obama actually released his tax returns, so you can look it up for yourself. This isn’t debatable.
You can fake laugh as much as you want, but that doesn’t make your argument any less silly. Unlike the con artist currently occupying the White House, Obama actually released his tax returns, so you can look it up for yourself. This isn’t debatable.

Yes but they didn't see his grades from Occidental, clearly THIS is evidence he's a Kenyan muzzy. Checkmate LIBS.
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Andrew Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go 'nowhere'

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday said that “leftist” Democrats pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi into launching the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and warned that the inquiry will ultimately go "nowhere."

"I think we now go to a very long and unproductive road," he said during a chat on political civility at Seton Hall Law School with former N.J. Gov Chris Christie, according to The New York Daily News.

“Speaker Pelosi was dealing with pressure from her caucus and...there is a heightened leftist component to the Democratic Party that she was feeling pressure for,” Cuomo said. “She is a deliberate, responsible person. She is not a knee-jerk person and I think she even resisted the pressure in her caucus admirably for a long period of time.”

Cuomo’s comments underscore the wariness with which the impeachment push is being seen by some more centrist parts of the Democratic Party -- who fear that the country is not yet with them on the inquiry and that it could backfire in an election year as it eclipses other parts of the Democratic agenda.

Andrew Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go 'nowhere'
Controversial NYT writer defends boycott of outlet, says it supports 'dissenting views' inside paper

One of the The New York Times' own writers defended a boycott against the company, arguing that doing so would support dissenting views among the publication's employees.

"[Subscriber cancellations are] one of the metrics for 'outrage' that they take to distinguish between 'real' outrage and superficial outrage," writer Sarah Jeong tweeted on Friday. She was responding to author Siva Vaidhyanathan, who criticized the boycott after a report revealed information about the whistleblower who filed a complaint over President Trump's phone conversation with the president of Ukraine.

"I'm as frustrated with @nytimes as anyone. But an individual canceling a subscription does nothing. It's self-indulgent. It's not a movement or a boycott. Even if it did matter it would hurt many great journalists like @nhannahjones @sarahjeong and @jbouie," he said, tagging Jeong.

"You're wrong," Jeong responded, before defending the boycott against her own paper. "What subscribers say can back up dissenting views inside the paper about what it should do and be," she said.

The exchange came as the Times faced several controversies that prompted a backlash from the public. Earlier in the summer, left-leaning politicians and media figures blasted the Times over its decision to publish a headline they suggested was too favorable for Trump. After deleting the headline, the staff held a meeting in which a staffer complained that some people thought the paper was too liberal.

“We are not f—ing part of the resistance," a staffer said, referring to the liberal, anti-Trump movement. Jeong herself attracted criticism for the paper when unearthed tweets showed her making racially insensitive comments about white people.

“Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” Jeong wrote in July 2014 in one of several old messages that have gone viral. The Times responded to the backlash in 2018 by declaring that it had reviewed her social media history during the hiring process and was standing by the decision to bring her aboard.

Controversial NYT writer defends boycott of outlet, says it supports 'dissenting views' inside paper
Maher: If Don Jr. Did What Hunter Biden Did, ‘It Would Be all Rachel Maddow Was Talking About’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that while he doesn’t think 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden was “doing something terrible in Ukraine,” Hunter Biden’s behavior in Ukraine “does sound like something Don Jr. would do. And if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.”

Maher: If Don Jr. Did What Hunter Biden Did, 'It Would Be all Rachel Maddow Was Talking About' | Breitbart

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