The Impeachment Thread

What was Crossfire Hurricane?

What was the Mueller special counsel?

Not supposed to be political fishing expeditions, but that’s exactly what both were.
To claim what Mueller found was a fishing expedition is ridiculous. He found clear proof that Trump tried to obstruct and said as much.
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The number one thing is defeating Trump. This Ukraine issue is going to increase the odds for the democratic nominee, regardless of who it is.
Which Ukraine issue? Do you mean the Politico story from 2017 about how Ukrainian efforts to help Hillary make up and dig up dirt on Trump and people inside his campaign failed? Are you talking about that issue? Surely you aren’t talking about the perfectly legitimate phone call with the President of Ukraine during which no pressure was applied, there was nothing close to a quid pro quo, and simply included an ask to follow the intent of the treaty signed in 1999 by investigating the potential crimes purported by the Bidens. There’s definitely smoke around Ukraine involvement but it sure isn’t from Trump’s phone call. Schiff didn’t expect Trump to release that memo of the call and now it’s all blowing up on him despite the media and Democrats constantly adding meaning, intent, and even words that aren’t there.
The original post was about how Trump’s behavior shifts the calculus for prospective whistleblowers.

You just admitted that the point you were trying to make in response to that was that the calculus was already skewed. Why say that if not to minimize Trump’s impact on the calculus?

You’re essentially saying, “he’s just being a jerk but that it doesn’t really matter because some people will eschew the whistleblower protections, even if he didn’t.”

That makes no sense, when you agree that people who violate those protections do harm to American interests and deserve to be prosecuted.

Maybe I need one of your beers. You’ve apparently had too many.

No matter what you try to do to make it easy for a whistle blower to come forward, there will always be a negative price for him/her to pay. It had nothing to do with "minimizing Trump's impact on the calculus." You are also over looking the media's role in this "calculus." They also contribute to the "circus" that any whistle blower has to factor in regarding coming forward. You don't think they will try as hard as they can to break the story about who the whistle blower is? Do they deserve to be prosecuted? It has everything to do with the courage and/or motivation of the whistle blower. I'm being realistic about "the calculus." So will most people who are in that situation. My bet is that today, most people in government, will put their own self interest first, keep their head down and their mouth shut. Or leave instead of becoming a target, for politicians and the media.

Apparently you can't answer a question or two.

Where did I refer to "but Obama" as you claim?

In your opinion, are Snowden and/or Manning heroes? Yes or no, will suffice.
No matter what you try to do to make it easy for a whistle blower to come forward, there will always be a negative price for him/her to pay. It had nothing to do with "minimizing Trump's impact on the calculus." You are also over looking the media's role in this "calculus." They also contribute to the "circus" that any whistle blower has to factor in regarding coming forward. You don't think they will try as hard as they can to break the story about who the whistle blower is? Do they deserve to be prosecuted? It has everything to do with the courage and/or motivation of the whistle blower. I'm being realistic about "the calculus." So will most people who are in that situation. My bet is that today, most people in government, will put their own self interest first, keep their head down and their mouth shut. Or leave instead of becoming a target, for politicians and the media.

The only way to have actual whistle blowers with credible, concrete, tangible proof is to pay them.

You have to start punishing everyone, on all levels of government from local to state to federal, and follow through and actually start holding people accountable, too.

When we pay tax free payments of 5, 10, 15, 20 million sit back and watch the floodgates open. You'll get plea deals from those who purposely turned a blind eye, from co-conspirators, anyone who can save their butt and nail the top level pos.

You also have very simple language about false reporting, and also, have severe penalties that are carried out.

Getting politicans to vote on this isn't going to happen. So, when we the people get serious enough about the issue, it will change. Doing this is probably more effective than term limits.

Brit Hume: Trump did himself no favors by 'freaking out' after reporter's 'valid' question

"Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume defended a Reuters reporter who angered President Trump with a question during a Wednesday news conference, claiming the reporter's question was "valid" and saying the president "freaking out" doesn't help his cause.

"This was a harshly worded attack. He attacked Jeff Mason, you know, accused him of being 'fake news' and all that, when he asked a perfectly valid question," Hume said about Trump on Wednesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum.""

The exchange:
  • MASON: "The question, sir, was what did you want President Zelensky to do about Vice President Biden and his son Hunter?
  • TRUMP: "Are you talking to me?"
  • MASON: "Yes. It's just a follow-up of what I just asked you, sir."
  • TRUMP: "Listen, are you ready? We have the president of Finland. Ask him a question."
  • MASON: "I have one for him. I wanted to follow up on the one that I asked you."
  • TRUMP: Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Ask him a question. I've given you a long answer, ask this gentleman a question. Don't be rude. I've answered everything. It's a whole hoax. And you know who's playing into this hoax? People like you and the fake news media that we have in this country. And I say in many cases, the corrupt media."

Well defenders of all things Trump... rationalize this. Trump had an opportunity to set the record straight - to tell his side of the story regarding the call - and he instead attacks the messenger. "Are you talking to me?". Really, dude? No, Trump, he was asking the President of Finland about HIS call to Ukraine.

I really am beginning to think he may be convicted in the Senate if he continues down the current path.
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Shifty Schiff

Report: Adam Schiff Knew of ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint Days Before It Was Filed

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) knew about the “whistleblower” complaint days before it was officially filed, it was reported on Wednesday.

Schiff – who performed a dramatized version of President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky during last week’s hearing – was aware of the broad contents of the “whistleblower” complaint days before the partisan CIA official formally filed the complaint, the New York Times reported.

After the detailing his accusations to the “the agency’s top lawyer,” the “whistleblower” took his complaint to a House Intelligence Committee aide, who relayed the information to Schiff, who is largely leading the charge on the impeachment inquiry.
Shifty Schiff is such a Liar. Straight up Trash.

Flashback: Adam Schiff Claimed ‘We Have Not Spoken Directly with the Whistleblower’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) previously claimed his panel had “not spoken directly” with a federal bureaucrat alleging wrongdoing by President Donald Trump regarding Ukraine — yet a Wednesday report reveals he received an early account of the allegations from a committee staffer who spoke to the so-called “whistleblower.”

The New York Times revealed the”whistleblower” — who the paper has said is a CIA officer — initially directed a colleague to discuss his allegations with the agency’s top lawyer. Shortly after, the Deep Stater contacted a House Intelligence panel aide to convey secondhand details of the Trump-Zelensky call in which the world leaders discussed U.S. military aid and the business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President and 2020 White House candidate Joe Biden. According to the Times, the staffer some of the officer’s concerns with Schiff but did not reveal his identity.

😆😆😆 Really? Puuuulease. GOP gets 1 lawyer to ask questions and Dems get 2. This is unfair? I'm sorry... remind me again who holds the majority power? Hell, Dems could have 10 if they wanted to truly stifle GOP questioning.

“We were told that only a single Republican professional staffer from the Foreign Affairs Committee will be allowed to attend while the majority will have two,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the committee’s ranking member, continued.

“These constraints on committee and Republican participation are unacceptable and at odds with House Rules and general fairness. We demand equal representation and participation in this inquiry, there is too much at stake for America and Congress.”
😆😆😆 Really? Puuuulease. GOP gets 1 lawyer to ask questions and Dems get 2. This is unfair? I'm sorry... remind me again who holds the majority power? Hell, Dems could have 10 if they wanted to truly stifle GOP questioning.

“We were told that only a single Republican professional staffer from the Foreign Affairs Committee will be allowed to attend while the majority will have two,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the committee’s ranking member, continued.

“These constraints on committee and Republican participation are unacceptable and at odds with House Rules and general fairness. We demand equal representation and participation in this inquiry, there is too much at stake for America and Congress.”

Still having trouble reading?

House Republicans are demanding an “equal playing field” in the Democrat-led impeachment probe against President Trump after Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said ahead of Thursday’s scheduled testimony from former U.S. envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker that GOP members of the Foreign Affairs Committee will not be permitted to ask questions or have equal representation during the session.

The lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote Wednesday evening: “I was alarmed to learn – less than 24 hours before the first interview is scheduled to start – that it will be led by the Intelligence Committee and that questioning will be done solely by their staff.

I didn't give you permission to come out of the corner.

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