The Impeachment Thread

Triggered. This will happen more often in the coming hours, days, weeks, months and then years. Get used to it snowflake, this is your new normal.
We have had 3 years of lies and made up impeachment investigations but no I will never get used to you sore losers trying to impeach a President simply because you all are a bunch of sore losing scumbags. It's very telling you all want this to be the new normal
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Good ole conspiracy theorist NY Times

I don't think it is gaming the algorithms of social media, but it is obviously a canned response. Thing is, its only going to appeal to the Trump base. Its the folks on the edges you need to worry about, and by far the better defense is that yes, he did it and should not have, but in the eyes of the GOP it does not rise to the level of impeachable.

The reason it is the best defense is because its honest.
We have had 3 years of lies and made up impeachment investigations but no I will never get used to you sore losers trying to impeach a President simply because you all are a bunch of sore losing scumbags. It's very telling you all want this to be the new normal

I don't think it is gaming the algorithms of social media, but it is obviously a canned response. Thing is, its only going to appeal to the Trump base. Its the folks on the edges you need to worry about, and by far the better defense is that yes, he did it and should not have, but in the eyes of the GOP it does not rise to the level of impeachable.

The reason it is the best defense is because its honest.
There is no blue dress. Sorry hun
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It would appear that there are some on this forum that believe that Schiff is on trial.

This is a poor defense strategy.
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