The dance has its place. Its pretty awesome the PR that it gets, considering its been performed on prime time television shows and music videos. But with it comes the consequences, which is being mocked when you lose.
To the victor go the spoils, at least for now.
Hope he enjoy's it. He won't be doing it much while traveling on a greyhound in the NBA D league, or learning to speak a foreign language, while Wall is throwing dimes in the all-star game.
P.S. Don't take this serious. I think its funny that he mocked Wall's dance. And if he gets it together over the next two years, he can play in the NBA. I'm just having fun.
Right, because I really care what a brainless, salem light smoking, degenerate named Bart stuck in a "holler" with a dialup connection thinks of me.
I think I will run away from VN and cry.
If Bruce's dance at the end of this game got in a fight with John Wall's dance, which dance would emerge victorious and which dance be beaten to a bloody mess?
Bruce would win hands down, because Bruce did actually move his feet moon like style and his hands with a wave-like motion. Now Wall does not do anyting close to a dance. All he does is make this stupid gesture with his arm and wrist, so I don't understand for the life of me, why in the world anyone would call that a dance!:dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:
Didn't you do this dance when you were a small child?here is my handle, here is my spout