At the assisted living community where my mother has an apartment, it has been residents and staff only since mid-March and remains so. To visit my mother, I make an appointment. At the appointed time, my mother is guided to a ground floor screened porch. I am allowed on the property only five minutes before my appointed time. Masked, I may leave my vehicle at the appointed time to walk directly to seats outside the screen porch. There, I may sit 6+ feet from the screened porch and visit with my mother. During this time frame of restricted entrance & egress (residents shelter in place), no resident has been infected with covid-19.
Yes, it is heartbreaking not to be able to visit my mother in her apartment, help with chores about the home,* and hug and love on my mom. She misses the human contact as well. Still, the lack of covid-19 infections and the community's emphasis on protecting the health and well-being of residents are a comfort to me. My mother chafes but understands.
*The staff misses the helpful hands of the residents' relatives, too.
Edit: The screened porch and outdoor seats are cleaned by staff between each visit.