The main reason why we might have a chance aganist Oregon

Autzen is loud, like Neyland loud with half as many fans. The stadium makes players feel a little confined (hence why it is loud) because there is not a lot of real estate between the stands and the playing surface.

You play disciplined and handle the noise, you have chance. Your O will not be able to verbally communicate that much is for sure.

For the record, if I dont have my ear plugs at a game, my ears ring for a day or so afterwards like I stood in front of some speakers at a Metallica concert.:rock:

Pre-conference, with the students not in, it's not going to be as loud as it can be. I'm sure it will be a factor here and there, but I suspect Coach Jones will do a good job getting them prepped for the volume.
I hate to say it but honestly the only chance we have of beating Oregon is if it happens to come a torrential downpour for about 3-4 hours during the game.
Students or not, it will be loud. This is Tennessee coming to town, not Nicholls State. And for a first-time QB on the road, Autzen will cause mistakes.
Students or not, it will be loud. This is Tennessee coming to town, not Nicholls State. And for a first-time QB on the road, Autzen will cause mistakes.

We'll see. Not underselling Autzen stadium, but Worley has played in hostile environments before. He may be a first year starter, but he's had game experience in big time stadiums. On top of that, I expect that coach Jones will have our offense prepared for every obstacle Oregon will throw at us, including their stadium sound. I know you can't take much away from practice when you compare it to the real thing, but coach Jones is a great game prep guy, I think we'll be as ready as we can possibly be.
I think the key on defense is actually the safeties. They will have to good in coverage but they have to be very good in run support and guarding the pitch man.
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The O line has to play their asses off and Rajion and Marlin have to pound the rock. It's all about TOP, making their D tired and keeping that offense off of the field. Like my old high school coach used to say 10 yards at a time. I'm not worried about the "big" play, as long as Neal and lane can get 4 yards a carry we will be competitive.
The O line has to play their asses off and Rajion and Marlin have to pound the rock. It's all about TOP, making their D tired and keeping that offense off of the field. Like my old high school coach used to say 10 yards at a time. I'm not worried about the "big" play, as long as Neal and lane can get 4 yards a carry we will be competitive.

Problem is their defense has almost twice the time on the field the offense does. I looked it up today, the Duck offense only has something like 41 minutes on the field this year with over a hundred points scored.

The key is to make them grind out downfield and keep the big plays to a minimum. Make them earn every yard past scrimmage and not to let their backs or receivers in the open field.

Easy to say, not so easy to do.
Has Worley ever started a road game for the Vols? I know in 2011 he came in for Simms @ Bama and made his first start the next week in Neyland against the Gamecocks. Did he have a road start that season? If not, Autzen is some place to be making his first one. Just curious...GBO!!

He started the next week at Arkansas and we lost 49-7.
Problem is their defense has almost twice the time on the field the offense does. I looked it up today, the Duck offense only has something like 41 minutes on the field this year with over a hundred points scored.

The key is to make them grind out downfield and keep the big plays to a minimum. Make them earn every yard past scrimmage and not to let their backs or receivers in the open field.

Easy to say, not so easy to do.

Have to punish them with every hit too (obviously I want an injury free game on both sides I don't want to see a young man get hurt). Make them regret catching or carrying the ball though. I want Mariota to hate the color orange by Saturday evening.
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i think the game will be determined on turn overs,if UT gets a couple in the first quarter and recovers them,it will change the game,mighty mo will help the Vols then,here is to hoping the D will have a excellent game
There are two reasons we should be quietly optimistic tomorrow.

1. Dooley and Sal are thousands of miles away.
2. The O-line.

Our O-line though has to have road-grader ownership of the LoS. If we do that and get a couple of turnovers (without putting the ball down ourselves) it won't be a double digit margin of victory.
Has Worley ever started a road game for the Vols? I know in 2011 he came in for Simms @ Bama and made his first start the next week in Neyland against the Gamecocks. Did he have a road start that season? If not, Autzen is some place to be making his first one. Just curious...GBO!!

He started at Arkansas.
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The main reason we might have a chance at beating Oregon is because every game starts at 0-0.

Unfortunately, with Oregon, it just doesn't stay there long.
Butch has shown as little as possible the first two games. I am cautiously optimistic there are lots of tricks in his bag that he hasn't shown yet. "Trickeration" won't carry you very far, but possibly it could carry us long enough to establish some confidence in the Vols and cast a little doubt in the Ducks. Win or lose, all I want to see is a team that keeps fighting til the end.
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I want Mariota to hate the color orange by Saturday evening.

The problem is, I think Mariota is a better QB when he's out of the pocket rather than when he is in it. He seems to do a lot better on the fly rather than when he has all the time in the world to pick our a receiver.

You have to keep him in the pocket and make him try to thread a pass into a receiver in coverage. And don't let him out because he's dangerous if he gets into the open.
Peyton might mistake the ducks for gators...
I'm just saying.

awww.. that was uncalled for :sad: I do see a lot of heart in these players.. a lot of excitement... a lot of energy... a lot of cohesiveness and support. I don't see any quitting... any excuses... any pointing of fingers at other teammates. If they play for each other and play to not let their teammates down.. I feel good about the results.
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awww.. that was uncalled for :sad: I do see a lot of heart in these players.. a lot of excitement... a lot of energy... a lot of cohesiveness and support. I don't see any quitting... any excuses... any pointing of fingers at other teammates. If they play for each other and play to not let their teammates down.. I feel good about the results.

Yes, thx. The main reason we have a chance against Oregon is that the Vols play for each other and cant't let their teammates down. Win or Lose, our team is going to be all in, and keep the chance to win.

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