The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

I don't support the man with the crackhead son. Try to keep up. Seriously, try to pay attention.

Your rage at anyone who doesn't support Donny blinds you to that fact. It's like a central broken theme to you Trumpers.
Funny you say you don’t support Joe, yet you spend more time in Trump threads than Joe’s threads. Hell, you’re virtually AWOL in Joe’s threads.
Starting to lean towards Ramaswamy as well. Guy's got a head full of sense. And I seem to recall he said something about breaking up the center of government being in Washington, DC? I could not agree more with that. Every single day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Vivik has my vote, but if he doesn't win the primary and as I don't care fro Trump but if between him and Biden...any vote other then Trump is a vote to keep progressing towards socialism.
Once again, I don't like Trump. I do agree with most of his policies.

That's where we are, and honestly have been for a long time. I don't vote for personalities. That stuff is for church elders and business partners. It's an immature and uninformed stance, honestly.

Politicians are all dirty. We can argue all day over who is worse, but none of us know enough to reach a real conclusion.

So, vote policy.

For me:

Smaller government
Border security
Sanctity of life
Energy independence
American jobs
International peace
Privatized Healthcare
I think we all at least believe we vote policy. I know I do.
I ALWAYS vote for the best person (personality/character) who is most closely alligned with my priorities and who I believe will best move the needle in the desired direction.

You said you did not and will not vote for Trump in the I'm good with your position (eventhough I disagree).
I've said sense the beginning that it's the people who support Trump in the primary who I find fault with.
“never fully embraced by the left because of his dispicable traits” Except they took his money and associated their name with him by doing it. Wouldn’t that make them despicable too? Nice try!
Everyone is on the dispicable continuum, and their postitions are always changing. As Trump's dispicability became increasingly evident, the left started disassociating.
I didn't.
The old "I'm rubber and you're glue" retort.

If you've got an example of me creating a dichotomy of "Biden or Trump" - put up or shut up, my posting history is there for all to see. I actually voted for JoJo, as I've explicitly expressed a number of times - nonetheless, you'll eschew that immutable fact and label me as a partisan libtard simply because it's easier for you to gin up outrage without having to exert effort.

Don't worry, you aren't alone - it's a common tactic of the intellectually lazy.

Excuse my confusion.
You said you did not and will not vote for Trump in the I'm good with your position (even though I disagree).
So that makes it even worse. I would rather hear that you dislike Trump so much you would immaturity vote for anyone other than him (remember "whatever it takes"?) than that you are a Socialist that hates America, the Constitution, and unborn babies.
So that makes it even worse. I would rather hear that you dislike Trump so much you would immaturity vote for anyone other than him (remember "whatever it takes"?) than that you are a Socialist that hates America, the Constitution, and unborn babies.
I'm a liberal. Biden's priorities are much more alligned with mine.
And I love America, the Constitution, babies, and pregnant women.
Everyone is on the dispicable continuum, and their postitions are always changing. As Trump's dispicability became increasingly evident, the left started disassociating.
Really? Everything they were going after was the era he was donating to the party. Nice try! Those taxes didn’t matter under the lefts receiving of money.
Sure. That's why we have elections. And that's why Trump lost to both Hillary and Biden by millions of votes.
Wrap your head around that.
Hillary is a moot point. She lost…Biden is debatable as the election process was shifted in the name of a manufactured virus. Those popular votes coming from metro cities get what they vote for, both locally and nationally. Outside view doesn’t change from the front porch.
Sure. That's why we have elections. And that's why Trump lost to both Hillary and Biden by millions of votes.
Wrap your head around that.
Wrap your head around the idea that you STILL believe the popular vote matters in a general election for President in the United States.

I mean honestly Luther. It’s just sad!

Trump won over 30 states in 2016. I notice you never consider that. Trump dominated Hillary in the county count. He won way more counties. You never mention that.

No no. You only cite the popular vote because you are intellectually lazy and a partisan hack that lacks the ability to critically think. Winning the popular vote wasn’t the goal. Neither was winning the most states or counties. You poor poor little man.
Wrap your head around the idea that you STILL believe the popular vote matters in a general election for President in the United States.

I mean honestly Luther. It’s just sad!

Trump won over 30 states in 2016. I notice you never consider that. Trump dominated Hillary in the county count. He won way more counties. You never mention that.

No no. You only cite the popular vote because you are intellectually lazy and a partisan hack that lacks the ability to critically think. Winning the popular vote wasn’t the goal. Neither was winning the most states or counties. You poor poor little man.
The popular vote only matters when discussing popularity, which is what we were discussing.....please try to follow.

I'm guessing you liked Trump's big red map. County
Wrap your head around the idea that you STILL believe the popular vote matters in a general election for President in the United States.

I mean honestly Luther. It’s just sad!

Trump won over 30 states in 2016. I notice you never consider that. Trump dominated Hillary in the county count. He won way more counties. You never mention that.

No no. You only cite the popular vote because you are intellectually lazy and a partisan hack that lacks the ability to critically think. Winning the popular vote wasn’t the goal. Neither was winning the most states or counties. You poor poor little man.

It is hard to give an even tally by county since places like Loving, Texas have 64 voters. Trump carried it in a landslide. 60-4.
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The popular vote only matters when discussing popularity, which is what we were discussing.....please try to follow.

I'm guessing you liked Trump's big red map. County
All I see you “discussing” is Trump is a horrible human being and in your great wisdom and righteousness, you voted for Hillary and Biden because they were better human beings. Which is a load bullsh**

“Losing” the popular vote is similar to a team losing the first down statistic or losing the total yards battle. It means nothing. Who won the game? The goal was to win the game. If Trump had wasted time trying to be “more popular” he most likely would have lost the election. His team executed a strategy and it worked. And I’m so glad it did. Hillary would have been a disaster! Not as bad as the Dementia Joe show we are currently watching, but pretty damn bad. Carry on Luth.
I'm a liberal. Biden's priorities are much more alligned with mine.
And I love America, the Constitution, babies, and pregnant women.
So you are going to vote for whoever the Dems throw out there because their policy aligns more with your beliefs. Nothing else matters in the General election to you. If Trump was the D and Biden the R you would be saying the same crap about Biden as you do about Trump all while saying that you don't like Trump but his policy is closer to yours. Both sides have people that vote that way. At least be honest about it and stop trying to act like it is because Trump is evil.
So you are going to vote for whoever the Dems throw out there because their policy aligns more with your beliefs. Nothing else matters in the General election to you. If Trump was the D and Biden the R you would be saying the same crap about Biden as you do about Trump all while saying that you don't like Trump but his policy is closer to yours. Both sides have people that vote that way. At least be honest about it and stop trying to act like it is because Trump is evil.
Media tells him he’s evil, so it must be true. Which was I why stated to Luther, the left had no issues with Trump while he was donating to the left since 1989.
Media tells him he’s evil, so it must be true. Which was why stated to Luther, the left had no issues with Trump while he was donating to the left since 1989.
But don’t forget. Trump realized that he was getting nowhere with the democrat party. So in this complex and elaborate scheme, Trump leveraged his evil and transferred over to the GOP. All because he saw the democrats rejected such evil but the GOP embraced it.

My brain hurts just reading his post.
Hillary is a moot point. She lost…Biden is debatable as the election process was shifted in the name of a manufactured virus. Those popular votes coming from metro cities get what they vote for, both locally and nationally. Outside view doesn’t change from the front porch.
Agree. An Unfit Biden got elected because of an Unfit Trump. Metro cities got more out of Biden than they ever would out of Trump so yes. The only view that changes is that Republicans are in search of a candidate besides Trump because of the exposure of what he has done and he will do if he gets elected. The funny thing about people, when the other leaders decide that they may go down with the ship they jump. If Trump gets convicted, civil suits against others as well as Trump will ensue.
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