No bias here....nope. none.
This witch hunt by the socialist morons, clearly a banana republic standard "lock up your rivals and rob the country blind" strategy needs to be met with unrelenting reciprocation as soon as these fools lose the presidency. That is assuming that we will EVER have honest elections again where only living breathing registered voting American citizens get to cast ballots. It isnt obvious that this will ever be reality again...
When are the Republicans going to pull their heads out of their azzes and realize that the Socialists will do absolutely ANYTHING to gain and keep power? Realize that their opponents lack morals and do not spend a split second worrying about silly things like rules, laws, morals, conflicts of interest, lying, cheating, stealing, and never ever under ANY circumstances holding one of their own accountable???
When? When will they wake up?
The Socialists are like spoiled, delinquent bastard little children...running around the schoolyard with a flamethrower...burning the whole school (country) to the ground !! These limpdeck Republicans do nothing at all to stop them, just stand there frozen screaming " YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!" and " THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!" while the whole world burns to the ground. Bunch of bietches...the lot of em.
When are the Republicans gonna quit crying about it and doing a terrible job of defending themselves AND our country...and actually gonna attack and do something about it? When? Their spineless actions have allowed these Dimwit Socialist morons and degenerates to weaponize the DOJ and all the 3 letter agencies to rig the system against conservatives
What is ANYONE doing about that?
What has ANYONE done now 3 years into a 4 year election cycle to make sure the bullsheit presidential election doesnt get stolen AGAIN??? ANYTHING?
IF you honestly believe that Creepy Joe...who was locked in his basement and never even campaigned because he is braindead somehow got MORE votes than Obama ever did...81 million votes...then you are a complete moron and shouldnt read my posts because you aren't going to understand them anyway. What a joke.
A braindead 80 year old openly racist white guy actually got MORE votes than probably the most charismatic, best public speaking president in the last 50 years...who also just so happened to pull pretty much every black vote?? Hahahahahahaha
Trump got the most black votes cast for him that any Republican EVER has. EVER...but somehow lost to Creepy Joe? Gtfo with that.
The Republicans are so inept that i hate them almost as much as i hate the Dimwits these days. They have handed over our country without ever firing a shot. It is disgraceful...almost as much as the Bidens.