The Mariners

Pineda will be a legitimate player.
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Bright side is 2 out of every 5 games you will have exciting pitchers to watch.

Yep. I am plannning out to set all the DVR days to when King Felix is pitching. Plus I can fast forward through half of every inning, so watching games won't even take that long.
Sad to say, I like watching the Mariners from time to time. I love pitching, so it fits for me. That offense is dreadful, though.
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Was at the game last night...pretty awful. The Mariner's had a great chance to tie in the bottom of the 8th though, Figgins on second, Bradley at the plate, no outs. Instead of playing small ball and bunting Figgins around, Bradley flew out to left field, severely limiting options for an anemic lineup.
5 run 8th, 2 run 9th, walkoff WIN for the Mariners. It was the jerseys
Pineda is very good. Broke triple digits multiple times. Unfortunately for him, that may be the worst team in baseball. Listening to ROOT Sports makes it even worse (FSKansasCity didn't broadcast).
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Would be surprised to see king Felix in an m's jersey by seasons end. Pineda too?

This team is gonna be in the dumps for a while.
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Both are extremely young, so I don't know. The King might pull a Greinke which would be better for your team. When Ryan Langerhans is leading your team in homers, I would go hide in shame. It's gonna be awhile.
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